chapter ten // the continuation

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I jump to my feet, smiling ear to ear, and give Cody and Noel my customary one-man standing ovation from backstage. I had my doubts about the last minute extension to the tour, but once again, the managers have proved they know what's best for us: Shanghai had sold out in the blink of an eye, and the crowd had been one of the best yet. Cody and Noel are wrapping up the show, waving good-naturedly to the overzealous fans, and I'm first to greet them backstage, folding Cody into a hug.

"Best show yet," I say as he releases me, and I turn to Noel to give him a quick hug too. "Best show yet," I repeat, and he grins.

"You think so?" Noel yawns, pulling off his jacket as we begin the trek back to the green room to get our stuff.

"I know so!" I respond, not even trying to hide my excitement. "The new bits went over so well. You guys had those people in the palms of your hands."

Cody scoops up his backpack and begins to haphazardly dig around in it for his wallet. "They were a great crowd. We owe it all to that -- the better the crowd, the better the show."

"That's the truth," Noel agrees. "Although we were kind of on fire tonight. Especially given how long today has been."

Cody grabs my hand and twirls me, ballerina style. "Aren't you so glad we booked these shows without asking you, Chlo?" he singsongs, laughter crinkling his eyes.

"Ha ha," I respond, rolling my eyes but smiling regardless. "I'm still mad at you for that."

The boys keep up the banter as we begin to make our way out. We're squeezing out of a tiny back door, trying to avoid the horde of fans clustered out front, when a voice calls back from the depths of the theatre.

"Cody? Cody!" It's the venue manager, a short Chinese woman with long hair and a bright smile. She's half-jogging down the hallway, apparently trying to catch us before we leave.

We all pause, and Cody steps forward to greet her. "Everything all right? We were just on our way out."

"I just wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic show! Easily the best crowd we've seen in a long time. You're a comedic genius!"

"Thank you!" Cody beams. Next to me, Noel coughs slightly and shuffles his feet.

"Please, make me the happiest woman and tell me you'll come up and sign a few posters? We'd love to hang them up in the lobby and maybe auction one at our fundraiser this year. It would mean a lot to us."

"Not a problem," Cody replies, already heading back down the hallway.

"Um, I can come too," Noel offers. "If you want."

The venue manager smiles at him sweetly. "Thank you, Mr. Miller, but I don't think that'll be necessary. My boss said to just bring Cody back."

Cody pauses, turning around slowly. "Noel is my partner, though."

The manager flutters her hands in the air. "Will you sign them, or not? We need to close the place down and we don't have a lot of time."

Cody shoots a sympathetic look over his shoulder. "I'll catch you guys on the bus." He and the woman disappear down the hall.

Noel turns to me, eyebrows raised. "You've got to be kidding me."

"That's so ridiculous. I can't believe they didn't take you with." I push the door back open, leading the way back to the bus.

"I'm tired of it always happening this way. It's like I'm always Cody Ko's friend, instead of Noel," he replies, a touch of genuine hurt in his voice.

i hate you, i love you // cody ko // noel millerWhere stories live. Discover now