chapter two // the trip

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I nearly jump out of my skin. It's late, nearly 3 am, and I didn't think anyone else on the tour bus was awake.


"Just me," Noel says from the doorway to the living area. It's dim, and I can barely make out his silhouette. He has one arm up, shielding his eyes from the light glaring from my laptop screen. "What the hell are you doing awake?"

"I could ask you the same thing," I retort.

Noel smiles as he sits next to me on the couch. "Not that it's really any of your business, but I woke up to get a glass of water. Believe it or not, some of us like to sleep and stay in good health while we travel."

I roll my eyes, smiling despite myself. "Well, some of us actually have to do work besides performing mediocre comedy in front of adoring crowds."

"Mediocre?" Noel sputters in mock rage. "Don't make me tell Cody you said that."

"I'm terrified," I say sarcastically. "I'm just trying to finish editing the first week's vlog. I really should've had it up yesterday, but this trip is busier than I anticipated."

"You have a week's worth of footage already?" Noel leaned closer.

"I recorded so much, I've actually been struggling to get the vlog down to fifteen minutes. Letting me film you guys at meet and greets was such a great idea. I have so much footage like this." I press the 'play' button, and a montage of Cody and Noel hugging beaming fans rolls. The music and transitions I added makes it look like a scene out of a movie.

"Wow." Noel rubs a hand along the side of his face. "That's really cool. The fact that you caught all those moments, and the way you edited it, too."

"Aw, shucks," I respond, feigning humility. "I just wish I could finish this stupid thing. It'd be nice to get at least a little bit of sleep before tomorrow's show."

Noel stands up and stretches. "Our fans are the nicest people in the world. I promise no one will care if the vlog is up later than expected."

"Cody will care," I say.

Noel doesn't respond for a moment. I'm sure he knows better than anyone how seriously Cody takes things like this, and I think sometimes it even bothers him. "You may have a point. But get some sleep, Chloe." He makes his way back to the sleeping area.

"Good night, Noel," I say, already turning back to my editing.

"Night." He lingers in the doorway, then disappears.

Once I'm satisfied with the video, I upload it immediately, including a little apology in the description for the fact that it's a little late. I really don't think the fans will care, but I know Cody will, so it's more for his sake. Content, I lean back on the couch, exhaustion weighing down my bones. Before I know it, Cody is gently shaking me awake.

"Chloe... Chloe?"

I sit up, momentarily confused. Cody's face comes into focus, looking down at me in concern.

"Good morning, babe. Why did you fall asleep out here?"

"She was up late editing the vlog," Noel responds for me. He's a few feet to my left, peeling a banana and gazing out the window.

"Oh, good," Cody says, still looking down at me. "I hope you finished. We have to at least try to stay on the video schedule." Noel catches my eye behind Cody's back and shoots me an eye roll at Cody's behavior. I cough back a laugh.

"Uploaded it at 3:45, our time," I reply. "Not ideal, but probably not bad considering most of our fans are farther west. I'll check the analytics in a day or two to see how it performs." I yawn and stand up, stretching my arms above my head and letting Cody kiss me on the forehead.

i hate you, i love you // cody ko // noel millerWhere stories live. Discover now