Chapter Four

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Hey guys, this is a rather boring chapter but it's nessessary to Ava's Dad's story. More will be revealed in later chapters but this chapter contributes to her dad's past. It's likely to be a boring chapter for you to read so you can skip it but you may not understand some things in future chapters. 

Thanks a lot cx

On with the story- 


My mom walked in on the cuddle session Jalex and I were having and I giggled because it's so normal for us. We've been asked many times if we were dating but we've always denied it. Obviously, we like each other but we always say we're 'saving ourselves' for our mates but that hasn't stopped us making out a few times. "You guys are so cute" My mom commented "I'm hoping he's your mate, Ava, it'd be great to have him as the alpha, and you'd be great with each other" Jalex and I just looked at each other and chuckled... Until my dad walked into the room. Normally we would've just greeted him casually but today he had a rather brooding aura around him. Jalex and I sprung apart from each other, thinking we may be the problem.

My dad doesn't really like Jalex all too much. Although Jalex makes me happy and cheers me up, my dad doesn't want Jalex and me to be close. Basically my dad wants his 'little girl' to stay a little princess and he fears Jalex will... Well lets say my dad thinks that if Jalex and I are close, Jalex is going to make me a not-so-little-innocent princess. 

My mother thought it would be a good idea to talk to him. "Hi honey, what's with the face?" The reply she got from my dad was just a grunt. "If you're going to be like that.." My mom carried on and extended a claw "You know what you'll get." my dad made a slight cringing face before he replied.

"That fucking sister of mine," He said as he grabbed a beer from the alcohol fridge "Is driving me mad already." He huffed.

"Oh honey, she's only here till Monday." My mom tried -and failed- at sympathising with my dad

"she can hear you" My aunt raised her eyebrow as she walked into the room.

"Oh yeah, extra hearing and shizzle" Jalex said, so casually, making me try to hold in giggles as my mother was slaughtering him in her mind.

"Watch it, mister." She gave him a stern look then turned back to my aunt, looking embarrassed and guilty "I'm sorry Lena-" she started but was cut off by my father.

"I'm sorry sis, I was only kidding?" He said, the statement coming out as a question more than anything.

"Oh, suuurreee!" Aunt Lenalee replied "Did you want me to re-tell the story of 'the baseball bat' again?" She said with a sly look on her face; almost mischievous.

"Oh for goddesses sake, Lena! That was when we were what, 12?"

"Ah, yes but you were still 'only kidding' weren't you?"

"Do you have to? We've heard it a million times already; at least!" He retorted. It was true, though. The story of how my dad got in a strop at his sister so got his metal baseball bat and 'faked' to hit her over the head with it. He hit it harder than he meant to, hitting Aunt Lenalee's head in the process. He didn't want to get in trouble so told his parents -my grandparents- that he was 'only kidding', saying that Lenalee moved in the way of the bat just to get him in trouble. They believed him for a while, until his younger brother ratted him out when he couldn't get what he wanted.

My dad has 3 brothers and 1 sister. Lenalee's the oldest of them but my grandparents decided they wanted a strong Alpha to lead the pack, not an Alpha female to sit and wait for the Alpha to turn up. My dad is the eldest son of my grandparents but they still continued.

The next son after my dad to be born was Blake - a fiery guy that always had his wits about him. He has higher senses than most werewolves - even though werewolves have heightened senses anyway - making him a good fighter. However he is very loyal and friendly. Personally, I think he should've been the Alpha since all my dad is, is a boy in a mans body. 

The third son of my grandparents was Kale. He was your stereotypical badass. I say was. He was in a terrible accident after being challenged to a fight with an Alpha twice his age. He was 12 at the time - not a bright kid - and he pissed off the Alpha of the London pack. Bear in mind this Alpha was 24 at the time. Kale had pissed him off by saying that our pack was stronger than theirs and that one day, our pack was gonna 'beat their asses'. This aggravated the Alpha so they set up a duel. The Alpha was badly injured and couldn't walk for a week afterwards, however Kale's wounds were so bad he was hospitalised. After 4 hours of intense treatment, he lost consciousness and went into a coma. 3 years later, he was still in the coma so the doctors decided to let him go. Apparently it was too expensive to keep him on life support as it looked like he was never going to wake up. This caused Aunt Lenalee to start with the whole fortune telling thing.

The third and youngest son of my grandparents was Payne. His name was originally 'Xavier' but by the time he'd turned 1, he turned into a pain in the ass so they changed his name to Payne. His attitude still fits his name as he's a huge prankster and every time he comes around he's a major asshole. We don't really like him, but we're not allowed to admit that to his face.

Lenalee is a year older than my dad, my dad 10 months older than Blake, Blake a year older than Kale, and Kale was 2 years older than Payne.

Payne was 9 -nearly 10- when Kale died, so didn't really understand what was going on - only that his brother hadn't come back. My dad and Blake knew what had happened but didn't understand why. Aunt Lenalee was 14 -nearly 15-, grief stricken and knew exactly what was going on. She stopped eating properly and got severely depressed. The rest of the family honestly thought she was going to commit suicide. She was more distraught than her mother; a tough thing to do. She was finally brought back from hell with help from my dad. It was around that time that they started to get close and start being friendly siblings. Lenalee always goes on about how she owes him and that anything that happens now is merely (in fear of using the word) banter.

A/N: I'm sorry guys, I know this is an extremely short and pretty shitty chapter, even after such a long time but I thought I needed to update. I will try to make the next chapter longer to make up for the wait. Once again, I'm sooooooo sooooooo sooooooo sorryyy<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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