Chapter Three

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Jalex's POV: 

"T-T-Tomorrow?" I choked.

"Yeah." She shrugged. A few minutes passed before she finally whispered"D-Does it hurt?" At first I had no idea what she meant because I was just so shocked, but then it dawned on me.

"Yeah." I replied "It hurts a helluva lot." I noticed the look of terror on her face and tried to save it by saying "Don't worry though, you'll have us by your side the whole time. We won't leave your side throughout the whole thing." She looked happy for a millisecond and then her face returned to fear.

"But.. What if I shift without anyone near me?" She cracked.

"I'll be with you the whole day." I said, staring at her deep, fiery eyes "I won't leave you for one second." I said, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank you." She whispered through her faint tears, dampening my hoodie.


 Ava's POV: 

I woke up and realised I was still in Jalex's arms, the way we'd fallen asleep. I peered over his shoulder and looked at the neon red cube I call my alarm clock which read 20:59 (or 8:59 for those who can't read 24hr clocks). I groaned loudly, knowing Jalex wouldn't hear me. "Seriously?! I slept all day?!" I huffed then snuggled back into Jalex's neck. I lay there for about half and hour when a feel a tug around my waist. Jalex pulled me closer to him and I just went with the flow. I kept my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep then jump out at him but then he said something that startled me.

"I really do love you, Ava."

Without thinking, I instantly replied with "I love you too J." The words just slipped out of my mouth. No, words, please, no, words, come back, don't voice yourselves, don't let him hear- Too late.

"WHAT?!" He screamed. "You were awake for that?!" 

"Umm.. Well..."

"Oh my god. Ava, look, don't hate me, oh please don't hate me, I just, I-"

Before he could finish his sentence I cut him off by placing a finger on his lips. "Jalex. From tomorrow, I'll be able to find my mate and I don't want either of us to be upset if you're not mine. Until tomorrow, we have to wait."

He just replied with a simple "Okay." before getting off of my bed and leaving my room. What am I going to do tomorrow?


I went to go downstairs but as soon as I got to the landing I caught her scent. Lenalee's scent. I cannot believe she's coming. I mean, I know it's customary for a nearly/newly 16 year old's family to be there for their first shift, but come on!! Aunt Lenalee can be such a bitch at times! Like at one christmas, she thought it'd be funny to give everyone pin pricks for presents, and gave the ones we gave her back because, and I quote "None of them are good enough for me. Especially not for my 2 children anyway." Then her children would whine about why they didn't get what they wanted. Ugh. Tristan and Honey. I never understood why her name was Honey. She isn't sweet at all, in fact she's a total bitch. Her twin brother is exactly the same. If you as much as look at him you might as well already have signed a death wish.

Unlike his sister, Tristan inherited the werewolf gene. When a wolf has twin pups, only one of the pups becomes a were. Honey resents Tristan for being a were but Tristan often reminds her of the pain of shifting for the first time. She calms down for a bit after that but I can tell she's still jealous deep down.

Luckily for me, only Aunt Lenalee is coming and leaving her shitey kids behind. Then I heard a shrill scream come at me from downstairs. "Avaaaaaaaaaaa!!" My aunt screams at me as I try to tiptoe down stairs.

"Aunt Lenalee." I say, pretending to be thrilled she's here. She goes to grab my cheeks and I swerve, hugging her instead - anything to stop the mad bitch.

"Oh. Oh hello dear, I've missed you oh so much." Again, attempting to grab my cheeks.

I took a step back and simply replied "I've missed you too aunt." Sarcasm always was my strong point. "Are you staying for long?"

"Oh no, dear, I have to get back to my darlings, so I'll only be staying for 3 days." She said, taking in the interior of our house "..I'm staying in your room, correct?" She asked, looking at me. It dawned on me what I had been doing earlier in the morning (throwing things, breaking things, etc.)

"Umm.. Actually, you'll be staying in the spare room tonight" I said with a smile, trying not to act strange.

"Sweetie, why won't you let your aunt stay in your room?" My mother responded, not helping me.

"Uh.. Its a real mess in there right now..." I trailed off then tapped into the mind link 'Mom, you know how I stormed off earlier? I kinda destroyed my room after that. Sorry, but Aunt Lenalee can't stay there.' She nodded at me slowly then turned to Aunt Lenalee.

"Oh yes, you know how terrible Ava is at tidying her room." She glanced at me. "Here," she said, using her hand as a guide, "I'll show you to where you will be staying." Aunt Lenalee nodded and followed my mother as I hopped to the kitchen to grab food.

I opened the fridge and pulled out whatever I could find. As I sat on the bar stool at my breakfast bar, munching on a bacon sandwich (A/n nom<3), Jalex walked in and a smile leaped onto his face when he saw me. He ran up behind me, grabbed my waist from behind and whispered "Hello there my beaut" and winked at me.

"Till tomorrow." I reminded him. Oh, how I wished he's my mate. 

(A/N: Sorry for another short and shitey chapter but I felt I needed to post it x3 The next one should be up by Friday. Hopefully. Until then:3)

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