Chapter 1

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-Rosalina Point of view-

The sky was infused with colors of pink, lavender and a glint of orange. The blazing ball of fire was finally coming to an end. As it settled slowly onto the black licorice line that rested on the water.

"Rosalina, your doing it wrong" my best friend Lola shouted somewhere behind me. I broke my stare away from the beautiful sunset and fell head first into the soft brown sand. "You know what, I don't want to do a stupid cartwheel" my voice muffled as I pushed myself up and sat down on my zebra printed blanket.

I crossed my arms across my chest, watching as Lola came from behind me exploding with laughter as she kneeled down in front of me.

"It's not funny"I pouted,

My eyes focused on her already teary ones and the hand she was using to rub off some of the sand from my face. "You can do it, you just suck right now"she said making me roll my eyes and swap her hand away. 

That just made her laugh even harder.

"You know what we will try one more time and if you do it, I promise I will buy you a whole box of pepperoni pizza" before she could finish talking, I was already standing and nodding like a crazy person. 

"Ok again, you want to bend your knees when you land. So first, you are going to run a little right?" She said and I nodded in response, "than you will leap into the air, hold onto your knees and land on the balls of your feet" she said her voice stern as she winked at me and mouthed pizza. I laughed and walked off the blanket and dug my toes into the sand.

I looked ahead seeing there weren't many people around our spot anymore. Thank goodness because if one more person laughed at me, I was going to turn into the hulk.

I'm serious one more weird glance, and the green is coming out, the muscles and everything.

I breathed in deeply, quietly repeating pepperoni pizza as an inspirational mantra and then I ran. I leaped into the air, grabbed ahold of my knees and turned. I landed on both feet as I pushed my hands out to try and hold my balance.

I turned around slowly as if making sure I was still on earth and not in a parallel universe. I looked over at Lola whose mouth was ajar in awe and in cue we both  ran to each other jumping and screaming.

That I bet whoever was passing by was shaking their head in disapproval at how childish we were. "You did it, you see I told you so" Lola shouted as she hugged-well squeezed the air out of me and after a few seconds she let me go.

"I want my pizza now please" I said a gummy smile plastered on my lips as I tried to recap what I had just done. "Ok lets go" She said making me nod happily as we walked back to our spot.

Why is it that when I overthink stuff I can never do it, but then when I don't think about it, I can do it. What kind of bullshit is that.

Once back on our "Secret Hideout", I put on my jean shorts on top of my bikini underwear and slipped on my pink sandals. I kneeled down to pick up the geography text books we were studying earlier and our notes that were scattered on the sand and pushed them into my bag.

I turned to look at Lola who was folding the blankets and stuffing them into her duffel bag while also staring at something.

Her eyes squinted a bit and she almost dropped the semi folded blankets. I did not even dare to look at what captured her eyes, not really wanting to see the image of a man's butt. Due to last weekend's very unnecessary show.

I put my bag onto my back and adjusted the straps tighter on my shoulder, I looked around making sure we didn't leave anything.

We were quite famous for forgetting things.

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