Chapter 1 -The Library

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It was a cold Monday, and the university was empty except for the occasional teacher strolling through the halls. In the library, my friend and I sat at a table, books strewn across it wide open for us to see and stacked high at the edges of the table. Papers were in uneven piles around the table. "Ugh, at this rate, we won't be done till midnight." My friend Haru, a tall, blond-haired boy, said, frustration lased in his voice. "Um, I don't think it will take that long," I said, but I didn't believe my own words. "I think I'm just going to go home," Haru said, sighing as he got up; he packed up his books and turned to leave but stopped halfway, turning to look back, he called out, " See you tomorrow Kaito." "Bye, Haru," I called as he walked briskly out into the school halls.

I sighed and wondered if Haru was right, and I was wasting my time. Deciding not to let this get me down, I picked up several books off the table, put them up on the shelf, and went around to look for a few more to replace them. I had already picked out far more books than I had put back when a particular book caught my eye. I set the other books I had collected on the floor and picked this new book off the shelf. The cover was dark leather, and the binding was done in bright red ribbon. The title was written in large black swirling letters. It read "Codex."

What a curious name for such a pretty book, I thought as I read the title. I opened the book to a random page and skimmed through it. Thinking that the book looked interesting, I flipped to the first page and started reading. I had been reading for about half an hour and was almost finished when I turned the page and saw a ruby necklace on a silver chain tapped to the page. I removed the tape from the page, careful not to rip it. "Why would someone leave such a pretty necklace in a place like this," I said to myself. I held up the necklace in one hand, book in the other. The gem on the necklace was a dark ruby, and the back had been cut off so it would lay flat on someone's chest. The chain was a bar of shining silver and was clearly the only chain that had ever been on the necklace. I wrapped the chain around my hand and laid the gem flat on my palm to examine it. After a moment, there was a flash of stunning red light, and then everything went black.


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