chapter 13(completing 1of2)

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After me working a couple weeks i have to say that i love this job teaching the younger kids of auradon the saftey about magic and making sure that they don't go our of control with it. I have been working her for two weeks and i made a thousand dollars so we can officially get the shop me carlos and jay are going up there today to try and by it were the only ones that know anything about it i didn't even tell belle or adam i want this to be from her sister and brothers that she grew up with and not from her family she just met i know that may be a little selfish but i we wanted to do something that is just for her is there anything wrong with that. We went to the building to meet the owner when we got there he was waiting outside

"Hello so you must be the owner"i said

"I am ny name is anthony but you can call me tony"he said

"Yes we are here to purchase this building"jay said

"And may i ask what you are using it for"tony asked

"Well my best friend started her own clothing line you might know her evie the newly found daughter of belle and beast"i said

"And we want to make her dreams come true and acheive her dream"carlos said

"Alright y'all just have to sign a few things and we need either her or some relative that can sign for her"tony said

"We can do that all right now"carlos said we went inside and he took us to a table it was empty and clean and there was a fold out table for i guess whoever was buying it to sign the papers

"So the people paying need to sign here"tony said and me and carlos signed and handed him the 2000dollars "ok now i need a relative of somesort to sign right here and then out there relation "carlos signed and put husband down"finally who is cosigning with her"tony said

"How many people can cosign "i asked

"2 "tony said

"So how about me and jay since the property is going to be you and evie's"i said

"sounds goods"carlos said

me and jay signed and then he gave us the keys to the shop"thank you"i said

"nice doing business" he folded up his table and left

"so what do we do now"jay asked

"we start designing "i said

"how"carlos asked

"easy "i did a couple spells and has manequins and tables and a desk out and painted the wall royal blue with red and black dots"and in here we do this"i walked in the back and made dressing rooms and place for her fabrics to go and places for her to design the dresses and a whole lot more

"wow when did you get that good"carlos  said

"well me and evie have been practicing although we are stronger together we are good on our own too"i said

"ok now we need to get the name of the shop on without evie noticing "jay said

"got it covered we learned how to make up spells for everything decorating cooking and making signs as long as it ryhmes it doesn't matter what it is for"i said

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