chapter 5(cornation pt2)

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belle pov

i helped the doctors put her on a hospital gown and folded her dress while adam went to go get coffee is she my daughter she was kidnapped from auradon then she says her birthday is in two months and maleficent called her princess i took off her gloves then i noticed a ring on her finger it was a wedding ring if she was my little girl is she already married i missed her wedding

flashback when belle was young


"yes belle "

"will i ever have magic like you"

"i don't know most times it skips a generation but you get to keep my long blue hair"

"mom am i different from everyone else"

"no your special everyone else wants a guy but you, you want to be smart and read and that is a good thing"

"thanks mom"

"you don't have to be what everyone wants you to be its who you want and as your mom i only want whats best for you you will find someone who is right for you and have kids of your own someday and the only thing you will want is for them to be happy"

"thanks mom"

end of flashback

"what's wrong belle"adam asked

"she's married "



"how is she married "

"she is sixteen we have laws where people can get married at sixteen "

"to who "

"my guess being carlos they both wear gloves so no one would notice the rings"

"that explains a lot"

"adam i think she is our daughter"

"what makes you say that"

"she has blue hair her birthday is in two months which is our daughters birthday and maleficent called her a princess magic like my mom"

"i thought we agreed that our daughter was dead"

"you agreed she was dead not i"

"lets just wait for the results"carlos came back in with the doctor

"ok so just so i am clear you are just stiching up her arm because her head only got hurt up a little so she is naturally healing"


"then stich her arm up and get the test results and before you ask i married her so i am allowed to give the ok for her to get stiched up"

"alright i will have doctors go and start stitching her the test results are ready we are about to go grab them"the doctor walked out and went to get the test results

"you really love her don't you"belle asked

"yeah she was my first friend it was hard on the isle but we had eachother people used to use her because she was smart but she was also beautiful but everyone took advantage of her because of her good heart she never deserved to be there i was smart but i was a nerd she made me tougher she told me to stop worrying about what people think of me i stop worrying and when people would try to fight me they'd be the one getting hurt evie always sees the best in everyone but evie also has an attitude and when someone messes with her her eyes will flash red and now that she is in auradon she has magic and she has too good of a heart and if she hurts someone she will break i stopped her today from hurting jane and from hurting chad and chad deserves it but evies doesn't deserve the pain she would feel if she hurt someone i am the only one that can calm her down her best friend that is like her sister can't even do it "

"that's right carlos and evie have always have a special bond i figured they would end up together"mal said

"thanks m"carlos said

"well the test results are back"the doctor said

"well who is it"i said

"well congratulations belle she is your daughter"the doctor said

"i figured she was prep too draw blood now"i said

"yes your magestiy"he said he got the machine ready and me and adam gave him both 1 pint of blood

"we need one more pint from a relative or someone"

"get one from me"ben said


they set ben up and got a pint from him then they did the blood transfusion

"were done now we just have to wait for her to wake up"

carlos pov

i went and sat by evie

"when you wake up you get to find out who your parents are then maybe you won't have anymore nightmares you won't have to worry about having them you won't have to cry yourself to sleep because your scared you will never have to worrying about not being able to find your family they will be here for you when you wake up" i said

"we will are going to be in our room it is just in the west wing and is 5 minutes from here tell us if anything happens"belle said

"alright i will"i said

"me and ben are gonna go give the others an update call me if anything happens"mal said

"i will i promise"i said

i sat there and watched her she looks so peaceful i wished she didn't have to go through all of this she deserves a peaceful life but when she wakes up she will finally be able to be with her family

"she should wake up soon"the doctor said

"thanks doc"i said

"she'll be ok from what i seen she is strong"he said

"she is she has a good heart"i replied

"i can see the way she stood up for everyone at the corination "he said

"she never should have been on the isle she is too good she has always been there for others she has a hard life people always pushed her around and i couldn't stand it"

"what did you do"

"i became tougher and i was there for her when no one else was"

A/N do y'all want evie to be queen or ben to be king

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