The Stars Will Guide You Home

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Anakin tried to count how long he was laying on that cold jungle floor, but the seconds, the minutes, the hours, all seemed to run together.

Every second felt like his last and Anakin began to lose hope in his survival. Don't think like that! What about Padme? Anakin shook his head in hopes to shake away the pain but every inch of his body felt like it was slowly fading away. The star above shimmered in tremendous blurs of light. Their brilliance was all that Anakin could focus on. Padme's star in particular kept him focused. Its glorious blue light stood out amongst the other stars but Anakin thought it paled in comparison to the beauty of its admirer. By far, Padme's own image exceeded the magnificence of the entire galaxy.

Anakin smiled weakly at the thought of his wife. Her face was a soothing memory in his mind even on his condition. She was what made him want to live. She was what would keep him alive. Whatever happened, Anakin had to get back home to Padme.

And those stars would guide him there.

While he waited, and as his troops stood over him, Anakin Skywalker lay under the shining stars that covered the sky like a blanket. Meanwhile, his heart soared across the galaxy to the place he most wanted to be, with the person he wanted to be with, to Padme.

The night was still in its prime darkness by the time the med ship arrived. Anakin felt hands scatter across him, salvaging his limp body. Dizziness overwelmed him with confusion and he could barely answer the voices asking him if he was okay. "The stars..." he murmured, "I don't think I've ever seen brighter ones..."

He survived. And sure enough, through his survival, Anakin was given a two week leave which he spent with the person that had made it possible for him to have made it through that fateful night under the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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