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It took a week to develop this concept, a day to craft, based off the films. I decided to go with a writing style inspired more by stories I have from the late forties, though not following the style exactly. The timeline in this story is not chronological, I think it's more fun that way. I hope you enjoy.

They never expected it as possible, but the passing was calm amidst the turmoil of his illness. It catches everyone by surprise, and with Rob gone, they've never felt more isolated from each other, for everyone goes through the process alone.

No one knows when exactly it happened, not even the humans. It simply was at some point in the night his breath had faltered, strained, then gave out. The rest of him followed. His wife seemed to have expected it, though she is no less distraught by the occasion. The appliances, however, the original gang, had convinced themselves Rob would pull through. They never pondered their masters death, except for perhaps the vacuum, Kirby.

The whole house was devastated. Rob had not only saved the five appliances from his childhood, but appliances through all his life. The money going into maintaining such technology of outdated builds eventually lead to them not owning the biggest house they could.

Perhaps his son teasingly called him a hoarder, but to the appliances, he was the only reason they were still alive; In this sense, he might as well have been their God.

Imagine the most devout Christian having just found out that God is dead, no longer exists.

So many souls shackled and burdened might as well be on the roof of the house, making it sag and cave in. The world had been destroyed for them, it was only fitting.

No one appliance took it the hardest, but it could be agreed the original gang was the group to tumble the most.

They had convinced themselves this couldn't happen, that they'd be with their master forever.

They never left the house that next month, but the world never seemed larger.

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