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they arrived to gloria's coffee after a short drive on the highway. ashton and delta both felt as if the drive was extremely awkward. and it was.

they didn't really talk and when they did it was small talk, like the weather. delta broke the silence by asking, "what are you getting?"

ashton got pulled out of staring at delta when he said, "oh. um maybe a mocha cappuccino? i'm not sure yet."

"uh yeah me too, but i'll probably end up just getting peppermint mocha as I always do."

"oh nice." he shifted on his feet. he stuffed his hands in his pocket being awkward as shit.

"i can help the cute couple in the back." said a cashier since there was a line and 2 cashiers were open.

"oh um." said ashton and delta at the same time.

"go ahead." delta said.

"we're um, not a couple. thank you though." ashton said.

they shuffled over to the cashier and ordered. "just a plain peppermint mocha with little to no sugar, please." she said politely.

"and you sir?" the lady asked.

"oh, um sorry i'll have just a french vanilla with extra sugar please." he snapped out of his thoughts.

"okay, that'll be 4.74. cash or credit?" the lady asked.

ashton was actually paying attention this time and stepped over. "don't worry about it delta, i'll pay. cash."

ashton grabbed his wallet and took a bill out. "no wait, i'll pay. you gave me a ride anyway." delta said.

"no, no i'm the one that invited you out, i'll pay." he smiled at her.

"are you sure? i don't have any problem paying." she raised her eyebrows. his smile is so cute, she thought.

"of course." he said.

the cashier was staring at the two waiting for them to pay. "are you sure you two aren't a couple?" she asked.

ashton handed her the money and said, "yes, we just met today."

by now, they're coffees were ready and they sat down in a two person booth and drank them.

"thanks for inviting me, and paying." delta said smiling.

"no problem, im surprised i did, im super awkward." he laughed.

she hadn't noticed but he had an australian accent.


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