Chapter 2

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I was still asleep, but I was beginning to slowly wake up because I heard voices outside my plane of imagination.
".......Wake up...."
".......Wake up...."
Then I woke up. I noticed that I WASNT in Homesville anymore.
"Huh, wha-where am I!? What's going on!?" I said. It looks like I was in a glass cell, in a laboratory, and everybody, was a mammal. One of the scientists, which was an bear, was right in front of the cell and there were two other animals, a fox and a rabbit, in police uniform. I thought I was hallucinating, so I pinched myself, it hurt, it was real.
"Hello, New subject, my name is Dr Bareback, what is your name?" Said the scientist.
"My name is Ryan Brown, sir." I said.
"You seem to be a new type of animal, we are going to do some tests with you for the next few days, are you okay with it?" He asked.
"First, where am I?" I asked.
"You are in the newly established Cliffside Animilia Research Laboratory outside the perimeter of Zootopia."
"What place is Zootopia?"
"Zootopia is a Metropolitan city, full of animals of different kinds, enjoying life to their fullest and fulfil their aspirations and dreams!"
"As they say, In Zootopia, anyone can be anything!" Said the rabbit, in a female voice.
"Ok...." I said
"Oh, let me introduce myself! I'm Judy Hopps, and he's my partner, Nick Wilde!"
"Oh, Hi..." I said.
"Im going to ask you some basic questions, are you up for that?" Asked the Scientist.
"okay, question 1, what species of Mammal are you?" Said the scientist, soon the other scientists and the the police officers were eager to hear what I had to say.
"I'm a Human, or in scientific terms, a Homo Sapien."
"So, you are a Human?"
"Yes, H-U-M-A-N."
"question 2, are you a carnivore or herbivore?"
"Well, actually a bit of both."
"So you're a--"
"Omnivore, yes. "
Question 3, where did you come from?"
"Well, I'm from a little peaceful town that celebrates the good things of homage, called Homesville, in the United States of Amarica."
"Homesville? United States of Amarica? Where is that?" Asked the scientist.
"Wait, you don't know where that is? You don't know the seven continents: North Amarica; South America; Africa; Europe; Asia; Australia and Antarctica? "
"Yes, we don't."
"Well, we all have our mysteries."
He wrote all of that down.
"Thats all I need for now, later we are going to do some tests."
"Before you leave, could you please tell me how I ended up in here?"
"Well, these two officers, with the help of paramedics,  brought you here. you were found in the middle of the street."
"Seriously? "
"Yes, we found you." Said Judy

Then he left me alone as he joined the other scientists in the room behind the lab doors. Nick and Judy remained.

I finally had time to think, I remembered what happend before I was unconscious. I was sucked into the tornado, and everything got bright, then out goes the lights. I tried to put sense into it, but it didn't make any sense.
All I could do at this point was just put my notes into my phone.

Then Judy noticed me being worried and all.

"What's wrong?"
I had think for a moment for an answer.
"I'm trying to make sense of what happend before I got here,  into Zootopia."
"How did you get here?"
"Come on, tell me, I won't be shocked."
"Well, this is going to sound crazy, but my town was being invaded by a violent voilet tornado, I got sucked up, and was transported here for some reason."
"Really?"asked Judy
"Yeah, really?" Asked Nick
"Well, it's kind of hard to believe, but yeah."
"Oh, sorry about that..."
"It's okay, at least I'm okay." I said before I worried again, if my friends were okay. I hoped they were.
Then Judy and Nick had gotten a call, probably from the police department
"We will be there right away!" She said.
"Be right there chief!" Said Nick
"Sorry, we got to go, see you later again!"
"Okay Judy, see you later. " I said
Before they went through the lab doors. Only if I knew that time would be the last time I would see them. I would be doing tests for the rest of the day.

(The next day)
I woke up, still in my cell.
"Good morning, Ryan. Breakfast is coming soon."
"Good, I'm starving!"
"You wouldn't want to be because the mayor is coming to see you."
"The mayor?"
"Yes, his majesty Mayor Lionheart is coming to see you, after all, you are a new species of animal, it is very important that speculation of a new speices of animal must be done and clarified by the mayor, to clarify to the public about your existence as a new species of mammal."
"Well, how often does he do it?"
"Well, not usually, maybe for new hybrids and natural deformities, but not to pure species like you, this is one of the first times he is doing it."
"Wow, I must be very important if the mayor is coming to see me!"
"Yes, you are."

After breakfast, and a few physical tests, the Mayor arrived.
He walked through the door, and greeted the scientists. He was a lion, in a suit, I should have guessed.
"Good morning, where is this new species?" Said the mayor
"Here, sir." Said one of the scientists taking him to my cell.
"Wow, a new species! What's your name son?"
"Ryan, Ryan Brown, sir." I said trying to be polite to him.
"So, Ryan, what species are you?"
"He says he is a Human, sir." Said another scientist, before I could say anything.
" A human, hmm? Let me see your paw."
For a second I didn't understand, but in animal terms, a paw is a hand. I showed him my hand.
"No paw-pads? And no fur?"
"He has, but only on his head, under his arms, and.....down there, you know..." he said. "He also has hair on his entire body except the bottom of his paws, but they are too fine to be seen."
"This new species is unique! You are going to be welcomed here kid!"
"Thank you, Mayor, sir."
"You're welcome, kid."
Then he went behind the door with the other scientists. With my excellent hearing, and because I was at the end of the hall next to the door, I could hear what he was saying to them.
"I don't want the public to know about his existence!"
"But, sir--"
"No excuses! He is not ready to go into the world and be seen by my citizens! Keep him in that cell!"
"Y-yes s-sir!"
I couldn't believe it, I was going to stay in this cell forever! I had to come up with a plan to escape and be free. I would need to study my seroundings and plan my escape. In the meantime, I would pretend I was coperating with the scientists.

I deserved to be free, even if I had to use brute force, I would take it, even if I need to oppose the authorities! Freedom, here I come!

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