Rule Fifteen: Sometimes, Things Happen and All You Can do is go with it.

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Thud-thud. Thud-thud. Thud-thud. 

All I heard was my heart racing in my ears as I thought back on the last few days. The stranger that tried to get me to show him where the training field was, the feeling of being watched, being chased through the corridor by an unknown man. 

I was being threatened. Stalked! I had never had to deal with this before, I didn't know how to respond or what to say. Even when Merlin helped me to sit down, I remained quiet. 

It seems silly. Of course, I'm being threatened! That should have been apparent when I was attacked twice in a week back home then chased down a dark corridor at night no more than an hour ago. Even still, the news hit me hard.

All of this was so different, it was like I was some character that an author just decided to mess everything up for entertainment. 

Warm arms encircled my body, rocking me softly and rubbing my back. Calming me. 

I could feel my magik reach out, yearning to feel complete and felt even more relief when the part of my magik in Merlin responded accordingly. 

My head lulled and fell heavily against Merlin's chest, my mind being pulled gently from the present and to the past. 

When I opened my eyes, I felt nothing but sheer panic. Loud explosions sounded from somewhere outside, shaking the foundations of the castle that Guinevere stood in. 

I was in the throne room. We were seated on an ornate, elegant throne. Guinevere was preparing for the worst. 

"Majesty, they've taken the citadel. Morgan le Fey's forces are now entering the castle. They'll be here any moment." A guard member told Guinevere in a rush. 

Nodding her head, she looked dead ahead and tapped her finger on the armrest of the throne. The shouts of men could be heard, echoing through the halls of the palace. "My Lady," A soft, meek voice sounded. 

A servant had just entered through one of the hidden doors of the palace. Whatever she knew, it had Guinevere nervous. More nervous than she was even when Arthur had nearly died. "Speak, Bethany," 

Lowering her voice, Bethany moved closer to Guinevere, "The twins are out of the castle and safe. Your cousin has them and is making haste to your parent's kingdom. They will arrive within a fortnight." 

What did fortnight even mean? Honestly, sometimes I felt so stupid and lost in these memories. 

"Good, this secret must go with you to the grave," Guinevere warned her sharply. 

Nodding her head, Bethany looked so sincere. Whoever these twins were, no one would find out about their existence through Bethany. 

I must admit, having all of these visions out of order was kicking my ass. I had absolutely no clue what was happening, no timeline whatsoever. It was like Guinevere was trying to confuse the shit out of me. To be fair, that was probably exactly what she was going for. 

The door swung open and a group of men walked in, Mordred in the front. "Stand down and surrender Guinevere." He ordered. 

The entire hall was tense and silent. 

The lives of a dozen men rested in Guinevere's hands. They would protect her to their last breaths, carry out any order she gave. This could be when everyone dies. "Stand down, men, live to fight another day." She ordered finally. "My stalker will still be around for you to slaughter later." 

Well damn.

This girl means business. 

"Gwen? Gwen, hey! Guinevere!" My body was being shaken forcing me from the flashback. Merlin's blue eyes bore into mine as he held my arms, "Gwen, are you okay?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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