Rule Three: Concealer Can Cover Even the Worst of Bags

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Makeup was not something that I often used, but I made special allowances on occasion. For example, sleepless nights always left terrible bags. Even so, I found that with enough concealer, these can be hidden from prying eyes. 

This was a tool I employed during this finals week more than most. In addition to the long hours I spent studying and preparing for all of my exams, I also found sleep to be a fleeting thing since what I have started referring to as the incident. The unfortunate truth was that I had found myself reliving that night every time I fell asleep. Every aspect replaying itself from my attacker's strange words to the strange ball of light that had saved my life. 

So basically, when I wasn't studying, working, or taking tests, I was mulling over the terrifying experience as I tried to understand the unexplainable. 

It led to me either not sleeping as I thought it over or sleeping with horrible nightmares. 

I have yet to decide which was the worst. 

Even so, I made it through finals week, desperately hoping that the nightmares were the work of over stressing and traumatic experience. I clung to the idea that with a relaxing break from school, I would be able to heal and move on with my life. 

"What is up with you?" Morgan asked me one day as I sat on our couch rewatching The Lord of the Rings, flinching at each display of magic. Apparently, my bouncing leg finally got her to ask what had changed. Usually, I am motionless when watching the trilogy, giving it my full attention. To find me restless was an odd occurrence. 

Sipping my tea, I shrugged, glancing out the window once more, afraid that a letter would fly in telling me I'm a witch. Though that might not actually be as terrible as I think. "Nothing, why would you think something's up?" 

"Oh, no reason," Morgan said, glancing at me with a wide-eyed look of disbelief. 

Finally, I went stir crazy and jumped to my feet. "I'm going for a walk," I announced, ignoring Morgan's sigh of relief as I grabbed my coat, yanked on a hat, and wrapped my scarf around my neck. "See you later." 

"Have fun on your walk!" Morgan called as I left the apartment and started my trek. 

Helpful tip, don't start a walk with no destination in mind. You end up in the weirdest of locations. 

For example, I ended up standing outside an old antique store in the middle of the city with no clue how I got there or where I was. Sighing, I shrugged and walked into the store, looking to find a nice gift for Morgan and Amy. 

Upon entering, I noticed that there appeared to be no one in the store at all. It was as if I had walked into a closed store by accident. Peering around aisles, I carefully raised my voice, "Hello?" I asked, not wanting to startle anyone but also wanting to see if anyone was actually in the store. "Is anyone in here?" 

I started slowly towards the counter, getting the feeling that I had just entered a horror movie and was playing the stupid girl who somehow manages to survive. All of a sudden, an older man came out of the back, startling me at the abruptness of his entrance. I let out a small sound of surprise, my hands flying to my chest. "Hello, look around, don't break anything." He grumbled. 

I was shocked when I realized I recognized the voice, but I was unsure as to where I had heard it before. "Oh, okay, thank you," I said with a smile and turned to start browsing. 

"Hold on a minute," The man said after hearing my voice. I turned towards where he was standing, only to find that in a moment, he had managed to come out from behind the counter and was striding towards me. "I know you..." He trailed off, staring at my face. 

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