Chapter 8 ❆ Near Completion

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Sorry if updates are not as frequent. It's a struggle writing lol.

When the next batch was brought in, I came forward to perform as well. There was an extra head among the group—that being me—but no one seemed to notice. They were all busy looking after themselves and coddling their anxieties that I seamlessly blended in.

As much as blending in could probably be possible.

I'd been forced to discard my cloak and perform in the comfortable rags that my mistresses had provided for me. Under the sun, my honeyed red locks sprung with its big curls, puffing out and making my head seem larger than it was. I consciously patted it down, but the bright color was a stark contrast against the bleak temple walls.

Right. No trouble there. I took a deep breath and bounced on the balls of my toes, trying to ease away from my anxiety

I took my place towards the very corner at the very back, putting me practically away from everyone's sight except for the monks sitting in the tower.

We all stood at considerable distance from one another. The guy next to me was probably around ten or more paces away from me. It gave us enough bout for releasing the energy we were about to gather—or in case we blow it up.

"Maintain this distance," the monk said as though to match my thoughts. "Should one of you run into some trouble, at least you won't be as much of a bother to everyone else."

Speaking of the guy beside me...He looked my way curiously. Although I was out of everyone's sight, I was still the odd one out. I made that awkward spot in the formation being an extra person. With him being the person next to me, it didn't really come as a surprise that he was curious. He probably counted the names on that list and was wondering why I was here.

I didn't meet the guy's gaze even though his was already boring on the side of my head.

"Eyes forward!" The monk at the front yelled.

Everyone stiffened when the reminder rang about the courtyard like thunder. I didn't dare look at the monk directly though I watched him closely from the corner of my eyes.

"You all have been given a copy of the most basic technique that the Temple imparts to its students. If you have encountered it before when you were outside, then it will work to your advantage. However, it all boils down to the tests you have encountered before getting here. In order to execute the movements to its finest, a high favorability with your Deliverer and talent with communing with the world's elements will work to your advantage. To move on to the last round of elimination, you'll have to focus on performing your best. Set aside competition for now. We are only eliminating those who do not perform to standard. Lastly, take wisdom from experience—you may not know what that means now, but you will," the monk stated.

There was momentary silence.

"I will not show you what to do," he said. "You should have done your research the last few days. I'll just be wasting my time. You will have to rely on your own interpretations."

The only ones they were probably willing to teach were their very own disciples. Nonetheless, I suppose this whole test also included a lot of luck and intellect—if ever anyone encountered the Movement before or had the knack for comprehending the given piece of paper.

We all took the time to take deep breaths. The monk watched us, lifting a hand as though about to signal the start. I stiffened alongside everyone else, waiting for his wrist to drop.

"Into first position," he said.

I slid into it as instructed, making sure to observe my balance as my feet parted into the stance. The beginning was very relaxed—but that was somehow hard doing at the moment.

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