Lana Winters #1

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It was 1993 when Lana could finally bring herself to be a mother. This time it was through adoption, it felt like a calling, a way to make things right about her child she gave away that was conceived with a monster. Lana wasn't the perfect mother but she tried her best and learnt along the way. She gave Y/N love and kindness and supported her through anything good or bad. Y/N was only 23 when Johnny oh so kindly paid them a visit and Lana's history was dug back up. Y/N never really knew about her mother's past and she never wanted upset her by asking questions. Johnny hated Y/N. When He loved Lana he hated the girl for living a life that should be his. When he found the tape he hated Y/N for trying to make a murderer a loving Mother. He hate that the girl wasn't scared when he pulled the trigger, that she refused to give him the satisfaction of begging for her life. The simple 4 words "Go ahead. Kill me" seemed to anger him. Why wasn't she scared, Lana managed to get the gun away from the man but it was to late. Lana lost both her children that day and nothing could ever mend her broken heart. The papers went crazy over the incident and Lana felt like she was right back in 1967, unable to go anywhere with out flashes and screams demanding information. Briarcliff had the last laugh. You could leave the asylum but it would never leave you.

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