Le Answers pt 2

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Here are my uncreative answers to your creative questions, my little perverts

Katevictorious - "1.) How are you?
2.) How are you so amazing at writing?
3.) Do you like writing smut or fluff better?
4.) Which flavor of Pringles is best: cheddar cheese Hotspur cream and onion?
5.) What Hogwarts house are you in/which is the best? (Mine's Slytherin).
6.) Which bear is best?"

Bonus!: "Fact: bears eats beats. Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica."

1.) I'm doing good I guess. You?

2.) Well, I began my writing journey in maybe second grade and then I began noticing how I loved writing back in fourth grade because I would always extend the lines that were printed on the paper so I could encourage myself to write more. Then I just kept going and I tried to teach myself how to write with correct punctuation and grammar and stuff like that, but I'm still working on it.
All I really gotta say is to practice because it really does pay off and you really begin to appreciate your work once you're satisfied with the outcome.

3.) I mean, it would depend on what the smut or fluff is about. But I think I would go the smut route. Just because I'd like to imagine a strong connection between the two consenting adult characters showing their true colors for each other.
And I also love how authors are open with writing stories about their favorite ship taking a level up to show their love for each other by having lovely sex.
BuT thEn agaiN-
I think I write fluff much more better than smut from time to time-

4.) I'm sorry, but I'm a sour cream and onion fan. I grew up with that flavor the most and I'll die loving that flavor the most.

5.) I'm a proud Ravenclaw (tbh, I thought I would get into Slytherin because of the shit I do. The book isn't one of them-)

6.) I dont know. Too many to choose from.

imissvinekaz2y5 - "What's yo favorite book/series?"

Bonus!: "Mines the world walker trilogy just thought you would like to know.."

Hmmmmm.. it's kinda hard because I love a bunch of books, but I guess you can say I do enjoy reading a Sherlock Holmes story every once in a while.

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