this stuff doesnt happen to me part 4

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Chapter 4: wishes come true?

Our car pulled in to the development. there was no sign of eric "do you see him kat?" i asked. "no i dont, do you?" she replied. "nope". awwh hell this is going to be the worst, what if he doesnt even show up, or what if he does and just doesnt talk to you guys at all?? calm down. just calm down, lila. i told myself. we hopped out of the car and went straight for the food that was set up in the middle circle. my cousins were there and so were a couple of our other friends from the neighborhood. we talked a while and then ian's little sister, katelyn,came up to us. she was about nine years old. "play a game with us!!" she said. it wasnt a question. it was more of a statement. "i dont know i dont really.." katrina started to say, right before she was grabbed by katelyns tiny hand and dragged into the street to play with her. being the good friend that i am, i went to save her with my cousins (who were both girls, one my age and one three years older). katrina, my cousins, and i were all forced to sit down and listen to instructions. i didnt really pay attention, nor did i want to. something to do with running on shapes made of chalk without getting hit with a ball? "Can i sit out the first few times? i dont understand." i asked sweetly, trying to get out of it. "fine. but you are playing" katelyn said. boy was she a brat. Katrina and i watched from the curb as katelyn, my cousins, and a few others played the ridiculous game. after a couple rounds katelyn goes "guys you gotta play too!" i dont know how it happened, but somehow this little nine year old girl forced me into playing. i had no idea what to do. and right when we were about to start, you couldve guessed it. eric and his group of friends walked by, and sat right in front of where we were playing.

Eric had really grown up. he had gotten taller, grown out his hair from his buzzcut, and had a conceited glow to his face. he was with two of his friends. one looked like he should be in third grade. short and wide, but he was going into his freshman year of highschool too. his name was paul. the other was a gorgeous brown haired guy, but he wasnt really my type. i wasnt into him all too much. he was far too immature for me, but he was a complete player as well. His name was Alex. Ian was there with his group, this little african american boy who was going into eighth grade named Jamaal and this short kid named luke. i had forgotten how tiny and little middle schoolers were. anyways, back to the game. Katelyn said "ready set go" so katrina and i awkwardly made our way on the chalk lines to the other end of the street. she made us do it 3 more times. on the way back the third time i was so close to the last square (safety) all i had to do was continue my fast walk and id be fine, i refused to run and look like an idiot. all of a sudden... *POW* dodgeball to the face. youre fucking kidding me. "YOURE OUT" shrieked katelyn. yes. she had pelted me with a dodgeball. smack in the face. in front of eric and all of his friends. my life...

after that katrina and i just hang out for a while until the waterballoon toss. neither of us had really wanted to, but everyone else went over so we followed. eric was there, and his partner was his player friend alex. katrina and i were obviosuly partners, and we tossed it back and forth couple times, then just gave up and let it splat on the hot pavement. we walked away and sat at the picnik tables in the center circle. so far this was not going as i had hoped. we ate dinner around 430, and finished by 5. the sun was still shining by the time we finished. thats what i loved about the summer, the sun stayed out so late. we finished dinner and i noticed there was a basketball hoop in front of the curb by the circle. this was going to be used to my advantage

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