this stuff never happens to me part 9

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A/N: sorry i havent written in a while.. nothing interesting has really happened to me and i want to keep this story as a true story. i think the reason that this story isnt turning out so interesting is because its completely based off of my life, only a few minor details such as names are changed. maybe i'll try writing a real fiction story over summer. anyways thanks to those who have told me they liked it!! youre the only reason im going to finish this(:

chapter 9:

so after the whole christmas thing, january passed and so did half of february. i was feeling a little down because it had been half a year since august and the kiss. so my situation was pretty much hopeless. if i didnt go to an all girls school, i would have been fine. i would have completely forgotten about it already. but since i didnt get to see boys everyday, sophomore year was going by painfully slow, and i didnt have any opportunities to feel the way i felt over the summer. of course i talked to the guys on my bus (including jamaal, who was also at the neighborhood picnik in august. when i wasnt doing sports, i actually looked forward to the bus ride home so i could harass him), and i had a few guy friends, but none of whom i'd ever even considered being attracted to.

so i was feeling sorry for myself because i didnt have any plans for the day, since i wasnt busy with school for once as it was february break. my phone rang and i checked the caller i.d. it was natalie (the friend i went with to the baseball game) so i flipped open my cell. "Hello?" "Lila!! its Natalie. can you come over? our family friends are dropping their kids off at my house so they can have a playdate and you get along with all of them, so do you want to come over in a couple hours and sleep over?" i knew this was code for: * we're babysitting my parents friends kids who are all age 7. can you help me ?* but i kept my mouth shut. i have been to their parties before and the little girls are so sweet. "Alright. I'll come over. Let me check with my parents okay?" "kay byeee"

well, now i cant feel sorry for myself. i double checked with my parents, and they said it was fine for me to go over. i texted natalie to let her know, and she texted me back saying that nathan and nicks friends were coming over, the ones i'd met before at the baseball game. the one we saw eric at. Andrew and Coby? did i remember them? Coby was younger, like Nathan. Andrew was a freshman like Nick. she also added in to make sure i looked cute, because andrew looked a little cuter, and she proceeded to send me a picture of him. i replied with an "alright" and a "oh he is cute" in response to the picture.

i quick got ready and packed my bags. Natalie texted me again and said "i told andrew you thought he was cute" seriously natalie? this is not what i needed. "well what did he say?" i texted back. "nothing. he just sort of smiled i guess" super.

i got to her house, and went straight to her room because thats where Natalie and all the little girls were. i guessed that the boys were in the basement playing videogames. there were four girls total, all age seven. one of them was Andrew's little sister courtney. we played for a little in natalie's room. i was really shocked to see them listening to rihanna and lady gaga. when i was seven, it was the cheetah girls. anyways, after about half an hour we went downstairs to play dress up and dolls. the boys were down there but we didnt really see them much.

after about an hour of dressing up and dolls, a few of the girls got bored and decided they wanted to have a nerf fight with the boys. me and natalie stayed safe in the extra bedroom downstairs while the girls were trying to get the boys to play with them to no avail. eventually the boys had it and gave in, but all the little girls got scared and ran into the guest bedroom. which was consequently where me and nat were. so yeah, i got nailed a couple times.

five minutes later, they boys were over it and wanted to play another game. "how about hide and seek?" asked natalie. everyone agreed, and we did "nose goes" to determine who was it. thank you quick reflexes. up until this point i hadnt gotten a chance to hang out with any of the guys yet. we played about ten rounds before the girls got bored and went back to playing "make believe". in that amount of time, i hid behind doors, in a shower, and behind a bed. i was really running out of room. also in that time andrew and i talked a couple of times but it wasnt loud or for long since it was hide and seek.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2011 ⏰

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