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Have you ever forgotten something? Like truly forgotten, not even a hint of a memory left and then found something to bring it all back? A happy memory, one you never even knew you'd remember, suddenly brought back by one little thing.

You're probably wondering why I'm asking you all these questions and updating this so late at night. Well, the answer is I just had one of those moments.

Next to my bed I keep a journal, and in this journal is all my stories. Things I've published on here and things I haven't. Beginning to stories you've all come to love and the many ends to those very same stories. In there are stories that I've been planning, since I started writing on here, from last year and it brought back everything. Why I liked writing, why I decided to share these stories with all of you, why I kept coming on here even with writers block.

I loved writing. I still do, and I'm going to publish those stories. For a while I had started loosing hope that I wouldn't have any more ideas for stories. I started getting down that I if I did update it was going to be worthless and horrible. But looking at these again, I felt hope rise in messaging 'hey, you're not so bad at this!' Urging me to keep going. And I am.

I'm sorry if I don't update often, I'm sorry if the chapters are shorter but it's all I can handle right now and still the moment the best I can do. Yes, there are several books nearing the ends but there are more waiting to come out and some which I'm stuck on and just waiting for the right ideas to connect to bridge into the next scene.

Thanks for listening to my rant, it's really late for me and I'm probably going to regret this in the morning but hey, I wanted to share this.

Thanks for reading foxes!!

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