Chapter 1

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“Casey! Let’s go! I want to get coffee before work!” My roommate Danielle shouts from the living room.

“Oh my god, calm down! I’m coming!” I put my eyeliner down and double checked my face in the mirror before grabbing my purse and going out the the living room. I saw Dani sitting on the armrest of our couch scrolling through something on her phone. Her light brown hair was pulled up into a ballerina bun on the top of her head and she was biting her thumbnail before she looked up at me.

“Jesus. Finally. You take forever.”

“Hush up. Are you driving?” I asked as we walked into the hallway, locking the door behind me.

“Yeah sure,” she answered. We went through the drive-thru of the nearest Starbucks and I ordered a latte. Once we got to the office, I walked inside waving at Miranda, the receptionist and went to my little cubical next to Dani’s desk.

“Are you still looking through portfolios?” Dani asked me.

Rolling my eyes with a sigh, I nodded. “Unfortunately. Miles needs them by tomorrow and I have about 17 left.” Miles was mine and Dani’s boss. My job mainly consisted of doing any of the work that Miles either didn’t want to do or didn’t have the time to do. Jobs such as going through potential portfolios that have new ideas for articles in the magazine.

“Ooh, that’s annoying. I got mine done and I don’t have anything to do right now. I’ll help,” Dani offered. I smiled and thanked her.

We worked for about an hour, laughing and making jokes about something random. I set the folder down and closed my eyes. “I cannot read another thing. I’m so exhausted and it’s only ten,” I whined.

Jackie, Miles personal assistant, came over to my little office area and smiled kindly at me. “Case, Miles wants to see you in his office.”

“Oh, um okay?” I replied, slightly worried. My intern status was hopefully only temporary as I would like to make it a permanent job. I waved slightly at Dani, who looked just as confused as I did in her blue eyes.

“Don’t look so worried. You know Miles. He’s a big softy,” Jackie giggled with me as we walked down the hallway.

Once we reached Miles’ office, Jacked left and went to her office across the room leaving me alone to face Miles. I knocked on his door and peered in slowly. He nodded for me to come in once he recognized who I was. His face was stern, but I had come to know that his looks were deceiving. You could never really tell how he was feeling. His eyes were hard and focused as he looked down at his paper.

“Casey, right. Ah, well, an opportunity has come up, and I wanted to offer it to you. It will be the first assignment that you will have that I will not be overseeing. You know the magazines founder Mr. Harry Styles, correct?” He questioned, setting down his pen and looking up at me.

Excitement bubbled in my stomach as I nodded, my thoughts imagining all of the possible opportunities this might me. I’ve seen images of Harry Styles, and let me tell you, if it has anything to do with him, I’m gonna be okay with it.

“Well, he’s coming here from his trip to England, and his old assistant had to leave the company, and he needs a new one while he’s here. I wanted to offer this opportunity to you because you are one of the most consistent interns when it comes to efficiency. You will also be getting a raise if you choose to take this. If you do well, and Mr. Styles will be the judge of that, you could move from being an intern to being a full employee.” He paused to take a look at how I was processing things. I was elated. A full time job! “I don’t want you to think that you have to take the job. Know that you will be very busy and not all of it will be fun. Nothing bad will happen if you choose not to take the job. It won’t impact your internship here or how I view you, so think hard about your decision.

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