School Tour

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"Don't you have a lunch?" Dylan asked me as we walked down the hallway.
"No. I guess I forgot it today." I lied as we made our way to the cafeteria.
"Ok, do you wanna share mine?" He asked.
"No thanks. Um so. Do you have your schedule with you or..." I trailed off as he stuck his schedule in my hand. "Ok so we have, English and social studies next. With, Mr.Whalen and mrs.Cotterau."
At my school (we're still in middle school by the way.) if you were in the same home room you had all the same classes. Except for art, music, Home Ec and tech ed.
"Are you in art or music?" He asked me, takin the last bite of his sandwich.
"Music. You?" I asked. Standing up and pushing in my chair.
"Same. And I'm in tech Ed.
"Awe, I'm in home ec." Walking him to our french room.
"Oh well I guess you can't have everything you want." He said booty pumping me lightly as I giggled.
"Here's the French room. We have Mme.Richardson every day 6. On days 3 and 4 she leaves 5th period to be there when her kids come back from school. We have Mme.Isaac days 3 and 4" I explained. We walked down the hallway and to the right. We passed the math room on our way to the social studies room.
"Here's the room where we have social studies. The teacher's name is Mrs. Cottreau and we have here every day 6,2 and 3"
"Alright cool." He shrugged turning away from the room. "What do we have day 1?" He questioned turning to me.
"Well we have math and science first thing. The math room is right there. We have Mrs. Kennerson for that we have math every day so. Yeah..." I explained scratching the back of my neck.
"Yay!" I said sarcastically.
He laughed at me.
It was cute.
He was cute. Oh god.
"Lastly for today is the science room. We have Mrs. Coggings. Science is every day 1 and 3 but we have it twice on day 1. "
"Then we have English like we do everyday, science again and it's kind hard to miss the gym so..."
"Oh. What should we do next?" He asked.
"Well the bell'll ring soon so I suggest we go to our lockers and get our stuff for English and Social Studies."
So that's what we did.
I bet this doesn't look as long as it should for as long as it took to write this.
Ya. Twitter Instagram kik. All on the last post. Follow or talk to me. Time to watch Netflix. I really don't feel good. Vote, comment YA. BYE!!! (Oh ya. That's Jack.) ((the picture))

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