𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑. Restless

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Night has fallen.

Still, the stars are absent. Puffs of grey have arisen between the sky and the earth. Those balls of cotton seen during the day have changed into a river of grey. The color of ash and soot.

They blanket the sky, making the moon fight to shine through. It gives the sky an overall hazy ominous feel, one that corresponds with the light breeze.

The freezing wind easily breaks through her cloak, forcing the hairs on her body to stand. The goosebumps travel down to her feet, creating yet another shiver.

The thundering of hooves splits the silence, the stallion underneath her calmly galloping through the flat, darkened landscape.

Muscles ripple under his shiny pelt from the force of his powerful hooves, and the wind wisps his mane into the air like darkened flames.

An invisible force tugs at her eyelids, screaming at the blonde to shut them entirely. Quiet slumber threatens to steal her consciousness with each step taken by the horse.

Gazing down at his muscular neckline with cloudy eyes, a deep yawn leaves her dry lips, yet another indication of her restless days. It must've been a total of two whole days since she last achieved the sweet relief of sleep.

Forty-eight hours.

Every time she would enter the camp, Colm had yet another mission for her to complete. And she knows better than to resist his orders. 

The glowing firepits illuminate her skin as she finally enters the camp's cores, fastening Oakley to the closest hitching post.

Once dismounted, she draws her hands together in an attempt of providing body heath. It's freezing. It's also pitch black, leaving the flames of the pits to guide her in the direction of her cabin.

Although the O'Driscoll members are scattered throughout differently located hideouts, the main camp is still packed. Hence why she's forced to share a cabin with five other men.

Luckily counting Tandy and Dedrick, the two men she has grown to care most about. They have been there for her since the day she joined, and are fully aware of the unholy insensitivity of the other men.

Being among the few women in the camp has its disadvantages.


The all too familiar nickname greets her the moment she steps inside. Had it not been for the person addressing her, she wouldn't have appreciated the name at all.

Her lips twitch at the overly enthusiastic voice, which she doesn't fail to address as Tandy. Clearly, the man has downed a couple of beers past his limitation.

"Go to sleep," she greets playfully, watching in amusement as he stumbles over in her direction. To no one's surprise, a glass of alcohol is clutched in his left hand.

"Ay, that ain't too nice," he whines.

She shakes her head, a deep yawn escaping in the process. Her eyes droop for a split second, making it clear that her exhausted body can't go any further without a good night's sleep.

"Maybe ya should take yourself up on that offer?"

She barely catches Dedrick's voice through the following yawn. Her feet move clumsily across the wooden flooring, over to the far wall where her sleeping arrangements are awaiting her arrival.

"Might just," she mutters, blue eyes partially closed.

She gladly slides under a worn blanket on the floor, the animal fur tickling the skin of her face as she snuggles into the fabric. A deep sigh of satisfaction escapes her nose, both eyes now shutting entirely.

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