Chapter 32

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Lisa's PoV

A few months have passed. We postponed the wedding and we are going to do it a year from now. Jennie wants to focus on our jobs and Leo first before putting in another responsibility and I am okay with it.

Now, Jennie and I are just in my condo unit. She's taking a bath because she is getting ready for bed. While I am sitting on our bed as I send e-mails to our clients. Being a photographer and studios owner are both refreshing and stressful. I am doing what I love yes but there are times when it's getting too much. Disadvantages of being an adult.

Then her phone rang. I ignored it at first but the caller was really persistent. I was gonna answer it but the phone stopped ringing. That's a favor for me. After a while, it was my phone that started ringing. It was an unknown number but I still picked it up

"Lisa Manoban speaking," I said

"Miss Manoban, this is Seoul General Hospital, you were written as the emergency contact of doc Jennie so we contacted you," The person on the other line said

"Yeah," I replied

"I just want to inform you that she left a ring on her table during her shift today,"

"R-ring?" I asked

What ring? Our engagement ring?

"Yes, ma'am. According to her assistant, she never forgets about it but somehow doc Jennie did today,"

"I-I—Where can I pick it up?" I asked

"You can pick it up anytime, ma'am. Just bring your ID with you,"

"Thank you," I replied before ending the call

As if on cue, Jennie also went out of the bathroom. She dove straight to the bed and she turned her back on me. Weird. Most of the times, she would convince me to sleep with her.

I placed my laptop away and I backhugged her. She immediately held my arm.

"Wifey..." I called

"Hmm?" She replied

"May I see our ring? I just want to kiss it," I told her and I felt her body froze

"L-love, it's late already. C-can't we do that t-tomorrow?" She stuttered

I ran my hand on her right arm but she buried her hand under the pillow.

"I just want to appreciate the fact that you said yes, you know? It just feels surreal," I tried one more time

"Lisa, come on... I'm tired," She said

I heaved a sigh and I removed my hug from her. I dressed up and I put on a coat because it's cold since it's nighttime.

"Where are you going?" She asked when I was near the door

"Don't stay up," I told her before leaving her in my unit

I then drove to the hospital. I went to the reception.

"Hi, it's Lisa Manoban, I'm here to claim a ring of Jennie Kim," I told the receptionist

"May I have your ID, ma'am?" She asked so I handed her my ID

She checked my identity and she handed me the ring in a plastic. Yes. This is the engagement ring that I gave her. Why would she take it off regularly? She hates taking it off because she said that she feels incomplete without it.

I expressed my gratitude to the receptionist and I went back to my condo unit. I didn't go straight to the room but I poured myself a glass of whiskey.

What is up, Jennie? You never kept any secrets from me and now, I will find out that you regularly take off your ring? The ring that I give you? Why? Don't you want people to see that you're engaged and that you're tied up? Are you ashamed of me?

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