Chapter 7

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Lisa's PoV

The day ended. We have ended the feeding program. Yet I'm still here with Alonzo. The others are packing up and I'm here on the bed of the pickup truck as I sit next to the boy. He is happily eating his soup.

"Don't you want some?" The boy offered and I shook my head

Actually, Alonzo pulled me here to come with him. I don't know why he wants me to be with him when I'm just seriously sitting next to him.

"You're nice," He said out of the blue

I chuckled. This boy just met me today and he judged me already? Kids nowadays.

"I have no idea what made you say that," I told him

"Because you're not gonna be here if you aren't, right?" He asked

"What if I'm just forced?" I replied

"Are you also forced to sit next to me and ask the man to give me food for the whole week?" Alonzo stated

"Do you have a brother?" He asked

"No, I don't but I do have friends! I treat them like they're my family," I told him

I don't know why I'm opening up to this boy or if he can even understand what I'm saying but at least, I can voice out my love for my friends, right?

"Hmm... I don't have friends. They act as if I'm always going to steal stuff," He said as he continues eating

"But it's okay. My mom said that she is my friend," He continued talking

I can hear from his tone that he truly loves his mom.

"And of course! Me! I can be your friend," I told him

"You? You told me you were just forced to come here so why are we gonna be friends if we're not gonna see each other?" Alonzo looked at me

"If that's the case then how about I visit you from time to time?" His eyes lit up

"Are you serious?!" He asked and he stood up as he stretched his arms out

"As long as you promise me that you will not do something that I won't," I told him and he nodded then I smiled. He jumped to hug me. I chuckled.

It's been a while since I've felt a hug from a kid. It's the most genuine hug of all time.

"Hey, are you ready?" A sweet voice asked

Alonzo let go of his hug and he looked at Kim then back to me.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The boy asked

Kim was flustered. I just grinned and shook my head.

"Aww! That's too bad! You could also visit me with Lisa!" Alonzo said

"What do you mean?" Jennie asked

Before Alonzo answered, I stopped him by telling him that he should head home. I don't want to disturb Kim every month. What I promised Alonzo is just me alone. I won't pull Jennie Kim with me.

We went home with the pickup truck. We did not waste time before going to the hut. Everyone is tired. It's already 10:00 pm and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

I didn't bother to say good night to Kim since she went straight to her bedroom. She must be so damn tired. I got ready for bed and I lied on my bed. It's a tiring day.

"Aish," I whispered to myself when I was awoken by the thunder

It was raining so hard. If I didn't know better, I would think it's a storm but nope. I closed the window with the blanket. I can't close the window panes since the hut is old.

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