Chapter 1

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"I want to go out."

"Where, Sir? If you want to get anything I will go get them for you."

"I said I want to go out. If I wanted you to get me something I would have asked you. Now go, get the car ready."

"But Sir, you had a hard day today. I think you should rest for now. Wherever you want to go I'll take you there tomorrow." Charlie suggested.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Charlie. Do as I said."

"As you wish, Sir." He said and turned around to leave and my gaze went to his long legs that helped him get everywhere quickly.


That's all I felt. It filled me up more and more each day. I tried not to lose myself after all that happened. But it was a huge struggle. Everyday I have to fight with myself to keep my hopes up. To believe that everything would soon be okay. I often wondered on why this happened to me. I have always struggled with life and had to work really hard for every small success. And when I finally felt like I have done it, that I have achieved something, everything toppled over. It seemed unfair that bad things targeted innocent people. But then I get guilty for even having all these negative thoughts. I push myself to be thankful for being alive and living with what many others weren't lucky enough to get. To be grateful for all I still have. Buts
sometimes I found it hard not to complain. There were so much that I have craved for in life that was snatched away from my hands. A family. That's all I have wanted when growing up as an orphan. But that wish unfortunately wasn't fulfilled then so I kept dreaming of having one of my own one day. To have a companion. A person with whom I could let my walls down and be open about my feelings. Someone to love unconditionally and one day to have children's with. But even those dreams began to fade away as seconds passed.

"Everything is ready, Sir." Charlie said interrupting my thoughts.

"Let's go then." I said and moved towards the car.

"Where do you wish to visit?" He asked once we were in the car.

"Just drive around the city."

I have always found it very interesting to watch people. As a kid I would watch someone from far away and would wonder about their life and try to guess what they are going through. Sometimes I would even make stories with them as the protagonist and I would always give them their happy ending. Because I know that's what most people desperately hopes for. So I give them that in my stories.

During the traffic I saw a young man wandering aimlessly in the street lost in his thoughts and I wondered what his story was. He looked really tired. Maybe he was out looking for a job. And he must be tired of walking under the sun losing hope after several trials. Maybe the next place he interviews would give him a job and it would pay him much more than he had expected. Maybe then he would have a huge smile on his tired face.


"Yes, Sir?"

"I apologise for being rude earlier."

"It's quiet alright, Sir. I know that you are going through tough times but don't give up, Sir. There is still hope." Her encouraged.

For hours we drove around in silence and I found it strangely calming.

"Charlie, please stop the car here. I want to get out and roam around here for sometime."

"Sir, it's not safe." He protested.

"It never will be, Charlie. Stop the car." I said and he hesitantly did.

"I will park the car somewhere safer and come to you."

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