they found us

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'It could have been hours after he left that I was tied to that chair,I was alone,I dont know where Kelsey or lily  are or where the other men went..

I'm guessing they went to go make a deal with jesse,nick,and mike..that's what people who have hostages normally do right?..its dark..and I can hear light footsteps above I'm probably in the basement'

I look around for something to help me out of here,or to possibly escape so I can find lily and Kelsey and get the heck out of here.

Kelsey's pov: (duno if u expected that)
Y/n got taken somewhere by the evil Mike, Lily and I are hiding in the attic...trying to find a way to sneak past evil mike,"the others left I think so it might be easy if we just hit him over the head or something."Lily suggests grabbing a iron bar. I look around until I find a baseball bat and pick it up"yeah...let's do it and get Y/N so we can leave"

Lily's POV: (this is fuuuunn!!!)

'If this goes wrong...this cant go wrong..we have to do this right and leave...they're probably going to  Nick,Jesse, Mike and Y/n's house...that's why they left!"

as we make our way down the hallway a shadow appears from the crack of a doorway further down the hall. We try to hide in the shadows again as evil mike steps out of the doorway and turns away from us.


Nobodys POV
These shadows came into their house and closed the door,the four inches their way closer to the three males menacingly."We want to make a deal" one of them said taking of their hood,to reveal evil jesse,the other two follow,there was evil nick, but the girl was unfamiliar.

Nick,Jesse,and Mike all ran up the stairs into your room and locked the door"we need a way to get past them" nick spoke quietly sliding the desk chair in front of the door."or we could see what they want,give it to them and get y/n back." Jesse argues and opened the door.

"Alright..tell us what kind of 'deal' you want" his grip on his flashlight was sontight his knuckles turned white. " three will get Kelsey, and Y/n back IF Lily stays and becomes stronger with her powers from her true father." The girl spoke up stepping closer to them

"And who are you? How do you know Lily?!" Nick spoke up suddenly having a strange birst of courage."you fool isnt it obvious?" The girl spoke in a growl before sighing

" I am her twin sister lilith, and Lily will stay with me or I'll hurt y/n nd Kelsey." Lilith said this in a monotone voice,almost like she had no emotion in her body

Nicks heart stopped for a second
' Twin.....sister...??'
Mike spoke up"nuh-uh sorry thats not gonna happen either you give us all three of the girls or there is no deal and we take them"

Lilith smirks"your choice, but soon you'll see youve made a wrong decision"  and she dissapeared into the night along with the other too leaving the door wide open letting the rain poor in.


Nobody's POV:

As Kelsey distracted evil mike the others came home and looked at eachother confused and started searching the house. Y/N finally found her way  around,"where would car keys be?" she turned the corner to see evil jesse and quickly walked  the other way, bumping into the hat rack she saw the keys and swiped them before going upstairs to warn kelsey and lily about the others being home. Evil mike sees her and starts walking towards her, she backs up and right before he can grab her, Kelsey comes up from behind him hitting his head.He passed out cold,The other evils hear all the noise and spot the three girls, they all start chasing y/n, Kelsey and Lily around and the three girls ran out the front door dodging every one of the evil twins before getting into the car and speeding off back to their home, where three worried boys were searching for ways to find them and get them back .


as the long drive comes to an end y/n,kelsey,and lily all stop infront of the house and smile at eachother before slowly getting out of the car, "you guys excited to see them?" Kelsey and Lily both smiled and nodded before Lily ran up to the door and knocked really loudly, Kelsey hurriedly walked behind her excited to see Nick aswell. Y/n smiled as the door opened and they could see a tired Nick realize whats going on and smile,hugging his two girls tightly not wanting to let go. Y/n walked up to him and waved, he let go of the two and hugged her aswell, "dont think Im not gonna hug you guys scared us..come inside.!" They all smiled and went inside, Nick turned the lights on " Hey Jesse! Mike! Get down here right now!" Two pairs of footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.Then she saw him, mike and jesse got downstairs and immediatly ran up to  y/n and they both hugged her. "um, who are those two?"' Jesse looked over at Kelsey and Lily who were sleeping on the couch, tired.Nick smiled sheepishly, " oh yeah, so...Kelsey is my girlfriend, and,  well Lily is my daughter" they all looked at him, and mike wrpped his arm around y/n before scratching his head."man im really tired  but tomorrow we are gonna talk to you" Nick nodded before getting the two girls blankets and making sure they were comfortab;e before laying on the floor."whats he-" "lets just go to bed, after them being kidnapped he probably doesnt want them out of his sight" they turned the lights off and went upstairs to go to bed. Before y/n could close her door, Mike stepped in " hey,, y/n" "hey mike! whats up?" He shook his head and smiled "nevermind ill talk to you tommorow, im gonna go to bed and let you sleep, goodnight."  Y/n smiled and kissed his cheek before pushing him out and shutting the door "Night Mike! Ill see you in the morning!!" she smiled, turning off her lights and going to bed. Little did she knwo, the man she just kissed was out there going to his room, smiling like a dork"yeah...Night"

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