Alt Epilogue Part Five

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Meanwhile, Vegeta went up to Trunks, still seething. "I don't get it. Why does she respect him so much?"

Trunks rubbed his head, perplexed. "I'm not sure..."

"Pisses me off," Vegeta clenched his fists.

"Whatever her reasons, I say that's not for any of us to judge," Trunks said.

"Hmph," Vegeta just turned his head.

"Okay try this," Mae gave them some seasoned meat, a basic meal.

Amina grabbed the dish and went over to the group. Giving them each some meat... which they spit it out. She then went back to the kitchen. "Well, some of them, including my kids, got food poisoning. Do you mind just leaving the kitchen completely so I could cook instead?"

Mae shrugged, "Go for it." She went and joined Niya.

After a couple of moments, Amina came out with her dish. Though, as soon as everyone who didn't want to eat smelled the food they were immediately caught by surprise of how good it was. She was better than Mae, way better. But another thing that took them by surprise was the fact that they only ate one plate. That was it.

Mae shrugged, she didn't really care. "Better?" She asked Amina.

"What do you mean better?" Amina also asked. Ignoring all the comments of everyone saying Amina was a way better cook than Mae herself.

"I mean do you feel better?" Mae clarified. "Like no longer hungry is what I'm getting at."

"Of course it was my cooking," Amina replied. "But if you mean that I'm no longer hungry I have to say that us, our saiyans, can last a year without food."

"That's cool," Mae said.

"A whole year without food?!" Goku seemed shocked. "Why? That's just insane! And how could you not like Mae's cooking? It's the best!" He asked in rapid fire.

"One, we don't even need to eat that much. We could probably eat a pebble and be fine for a whole year. And two, I'm not trying to be rude but her food was pretty disgusting. I heard that cooking classes are a thing so maybe she should try getting into some." Amina quickly answered Goku's questions.

Goku just stood there amazed. "I don't need cooking classes. Different taste buds I guess." Mae said simply.

Amina shrugged, joining the rest of her family.

Mae walked up to Trunks just as Vegeta walked away. "He still pissed?"

Trunks sighed. "It's hard to tell," he told her. "It seems he's calmed down a bit, but I don't know him as well as you do."

"He's your father," Mae pointed out. "It's been awhile since I've seen him that angry though."

"Even so," Trunks said, eyeing Vegeta, "You've known him for years, and I've known him for a little over one year."

"Hmm yeah that's true," Mae tucked her hands behind her head. "I'm not sure if I should go talk to him or if I should just leave him alone though."

Trunks thought for a moment. "Maybe you should talk to him later, when you're by yourselves. Let him stay cooled off for a while."

"Or maybe you could talk to him!" Mae said cheerfully. "Maybe he can train you or something."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Goku said. "He's pretty pissed so I don't think he would be a good training partner."

"Maybe when he settles down, I'll ask him," Trunks told them. "It might do me some good to get some tough training."

"Fair enough," Mae chuckled. She looked over to see Chi and Gicchin going up to Xicor. "Oh great they are gonna harass him now."

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