As the Sun

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As the sun rises over the mountainous rift,

it spreads its reds and oranges and pinks and purples

all over the sky,

like paint on its previously nighttime canvas.

As the sun rises, it celebrates its return


with fireworks of many wonderful different hues,

before it returns to its golden state.

As the sun rises, it sparkles on the blue, blue ocean,

with swaying seaweed forests and still, quiet calmness,

warming with greens and teals and turquoise,

and the sleeping creatures of the sea slowly wake and embrace the day.

As the sun rises,

it rises over all the land.

It peeks over mountains and hills,

lakes and ponds,

fields and forests,

all little corners and crevasses,

exploring 'round the whole world in one continuous motion,

waking all with its golden cheer.

But as the sun rises elsewhere to explore new lands,

it takes with it its trail of many colors,

and Earth's living creatures transition into a whole new world,

the world of the night,

welcoming multitudes of winking stars.

And the Moon rises.

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