Don't touch me.

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The walk to the principal's office was absolutely terrifying. Clarice was definitely taking the wrong way just so she was late. Her heart was pounding, and it almost felt as if it was going to beat out of her chest.

As she neared the office, she felt a light tap on her shoulder, and turned to face whatever it was.


She inhaled, shrugging it off, before letting out a long exhale and stepping through the large doors that led to the office. When she entered, she smelled the familiar mix of alcohol and cigarettes, spotting a large man in a leather chair. She couldn't quite make out the details of his face, since the curtains were completely closed, but she could see that he was standing up and walking towards her.

Shit. Shit. SHIT.

The figure got closer, as she began backing up to the already closed doors that were somehow locked. Her nails dug into the tender flesh on her thighs, as she closed her eyes and hoped nothing bad happened.

Without warning, though, she felt a gentle palm caress the side of her face. The figure spoke up, letting out a soft chuckle. "Calm down. I'm not actually the principal.."


Clarice slapped his hand off, as he backed up, holding his hands up. "And who said you could touch me? You don't know if I'm lesbian!" 

He held his hand, looking over. "Well, fuck. Sorry? Do you want me to tell you who I am?"

She crossed her arms, calming down. "I'm going to go back to class so that old hag doesn't get mad at me, okay? I don't care who you are."

It'll be alright.

Clarice turned to leave, but the man grabbed her arm.

"Don't go. I need you to join us."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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