Possibly an introduction.

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Before you read!
Hi! I'm Tamika. The writer C:
This is the first story I'm actually being serious about, and I'm going to try my best to update and work hard on it! It was inspired by Melanie Martinez's album "K-12" and her short film.
If you're enjoying it, please vote for me! It seriously helps out a lot and gives me more motivation to keep going.
If you have any questions or recommendations, follow me on instagram at @ttamikalambert
Other than that, I really hope you like this! I'll accept any criticism and feedback <3

Pearl Academy.
A prestigious boarding school that most rich kids were sent to when their parents couldn't tolerate them anymore.

It was a pretty large place, the winding halls scattered with colourful, pink decorations. You'd often see a couple kissing around the corner, but you'd see that at any other school, right?

The academy was very keen on having the students be perfect. Anything other than that wasn't accepted. Especially among the other students.
If you were wrong too many times, the school would make sure it didn't happen again.

They won't be afraid to use force.

The school presented life to the students as a dream. A heaven. The students were thoroughly convinced that life was filled with cotton candy skies and ocean blue eyes. A place with bright, poofy dresses and dolls for the girls, with bright blue overalls and gelled back hair for the guys. Nobody could tell the difference.

They'd never know the real horrors of life. The academy was good at hiding the truth.

Only a few students know what's going, including the principal's son, and of course, Clarice.

Once they find a way to stop the others from being brainwashed, then he better prepare for the worst.

Pearl Academy.Where stories live. Discover now