I am so sorry!

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Hello everyone! I promise I didn't fall off the face of the earth! I want to apologize for my lack of posting.. My personal life has been super busy with school and sports and it's finally starting to slow down! Yay!! On top of that I honestly lost my mojo for writing this book.

I've really been struggling to write chapter 12 which is the brain story chapter. I decided to just go from personal experience, because a little over two years ago my own grandfather underwent brain surgery.

Anywho, I have the chapter almost written and..... Surprise! It ends on yet another cliffhanger. However, I hope to have chapter 13 written by the end of today so I'll upload them only a few days apart. Eeepppp!!

Minor updates regarding this book and the series as a whole:

1. Please continue to vote for each of the chapters when you read {if you enjoyed the, of course} and thank you for almost 6k reads on this book!!

2. I really hope to be done with this book by Christmas or 2015.

3. I'm working on two more books for this series, a third book and a prequel to "Finally"

4. Bit by bit I will be once again rewriting Finally. My writing has improved and there are a few spots I would like to fix and make the chapters longer!!

That's all for now, expect a few new chapters in the next week or so! :) blessings!! - Jennai

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