Chapter 6 - The dark place

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It's cold, so cold. I can't hear anyone, it's too dark to see.

"Momma? Where are we?" I ask looking around, the ground beneath feels like jagged stone, wet and rough. She's not answering me, her usual glow isn't here only the sound of dripping sea water.

"Stupid girl, your mother's abandoned you," A slimy voice trails out eerily, it's deep and gravelly. I quickly flick my eyes everywhere, but I can't seem to catch anyone but dark shadows.

"Hehehe, poor little ghost girl,"
Another voice cuts in like a dagger, the sound so horrid and dark. A sea witch?

"Mummy's left you alone, has she?" There's a deep cackle in the cave, the voice echoes in my ears. Where is she? Did she really leave me?

"She's not here girl, she never was," They're lying, they're all lying. She wouldn't have let anyone take me.

"You should've listened to that boy, now you're stuck with us forever darling," What are they talking about? My eyes begin tearing up and I can feel a sob about to tear through my throat. I can't help but feel betrayed, did she really leave me here?

A filthy hand grabs at my hair, tugging it harshly making me cry out. Another set of claws pull at my dress, tearing at the lilac fabric making me shake in anger. The last dress she made me, ruined.

No! They're all liars, they pretended to be her!

I can feel something dark well up in me, these sea witches played tricks on me, pretended to be my loving momma, took her face and tainted her name.

I must take theirs

My hair floats up, the roots bleeding silver until it reaches the tips. I can feel my eyes begin to glow as the darkness that resides in my heart expands until I can no longer see anything but faint shadows.

Bad men

Bad men

Bad men

Bad men

They cannot stay in this world, momma says we cannot let evil reside in the light, they must be banished to the dark.

No! That's not what said, she said. She says that we cannot let the darkness get to us, we're special and we must look for the light in the dark.

I try to calm down but all I feel is a burning in my heart, and screeching in my ears. Wails of pain echo in the cave but I cannot make it stop.

I'm floating in the air but I cannot get down, the darkness has not been fed. Their screams are tattooed in my head, unable to leave. But I can't make it stop.

The pain in my ears stop, but so does the wailing. There's not a soul left in the cave.

I'm sorry


"Frey! Goodness Frey, wake up silly girl!" 

There are voices, and the sound of waves crashing against jagged rocks. The smell of the sea floats around me.


My eyes snap open, I feel as if I'm about to fall apart as I feel the salt water trying to push itself out of my lungs. I cough up what feels like an entire ocean.

Strong arms wrap around me as my face is pressed tightly to a broad chest.

"Foolish girl," someone mutters into my wet hair, fingers tightening against me. I don't know what to do except bring my arms up and lightly wrap them around the person.

My mind is all over the place and I feel exhausted, wanting to cry all over again.

Who is this?-

I'm suddenly pushed back towards the ground, my palms coming into contact with coarse sand, making me wince slightly as the air is knocked out of me.

I look up in surprise to see-


His jaw is locked tightly and his dark eyes are narrowed in a glare. His usual neat curled are now tossed around messily and his trousers are wet to the thighs.

He doesn't say anything to me, just glares daggers with a burning hatred and then walks away with clenched fists.


Hi all! So I was scrolling through my notes and came across all my old ideas for 'Ghosted' and gained inspiration to write again, nearly three whole years later 😬😉 I actually started this book when I was around 14, and I'm now 17 turning 18 (I know I'm getting old -3-) So my grammar has definitely improved, I'll get to editing the previous chapters but I promise to update again soon! Tell me what you guys think in the comments xx

Ghosted || Enoch O'Connor Where stories live. Discover now