Chapter 4 - Ghost girl

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"Talking to ourselves, are we?"

Oh no, why now?

"I'm just waiting for a friend, Enoch" I mutter quietly, hoping he won't mock me again. He has a tendency to pick on my flaws and breaking me down.

"You have friends?" He asks sarcastically, scuffing at the grass, with his shoes.

Yes........Bugsy and momma

"Why are you here anyway, you don't even play in the gardens." I turn to him, distinctly remembering him always staying in the basement brooding, sometimes with Olive.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot I had a stalker." He rolls his eyes, placing his hands in his pockets.

I'm not a stalker.

"I-I don't stalk you, I just-just-" I try to get the proper words out, subconsciously gripping at the sides of my puffy dress, shoulders slumping.

The sound of a chuckle emits from his lips.

"Aww, is my little Ghost girl, getting nervous?" He questions, taking more steps towards me, crushing some daisies on his way.

"What are you doi-" I start backing away, almost falling on my back. He continues walking towards me.

"You seem to have made a hobby of side eyeing me, each time I'm near you, hmm."

"You know, I've seen everyones's peculiarly except-" Enoch pauses for a moment, analyzing me.

"-for yours. So what is it you're hiding, ghost girl?" He questions, stopping in front of me and leaning down.

"Nothing, I don't know what my peculiarity is, Enoch" I tell him, looking away as to not fall apart beneath his gaze.

"You're a liar" He sneers, his dark curls catching the wind.

"And a pest" he carries on, twisting the imaginary knife deeper into my heart.

"No one likes you"

"Stop" I whisper, eyes welling up. He doesn't listen, and tilts his head to the side.

"You don't belong here" He's speaking at now a mere whisper, as he looks into my eyes.

"Enoch doesn't know what he's talking about." I speak to myself, sitting in a different spot on the garden from before; somewhere more secluded.

"Bugsy likes me" I try to make a list of friends in my head.

"Miss P likes me" She occasionally has tea parties with me.

"Jake likes me" I pause thinking about the boy from the future, feeling my face heat up a bit.

Oh he's a sweetheart

"Hmm, who eles? Emma-"

I'm cut off by the sound of ringing bells, and trees swaying in the wind.

"Frey, come here darling"

My attention snaps away from picking at the plants, towards the woods; which somehow develops a more eerie tone to it.


Her whispers float to my ears, I search for her hovering figure, trying to catch even a few strands of her silver hair.

"Momma?" She's in the woods, hiding from the wards. She tells me not to trust anyone but the bird.

"Yes darling, I'm here" Her soothing voice floats with the trees. A soft glow emitting from in between the tree trunks.

She's here, she's here, she's here.

"It's time to go, Frey" Her whispers echo in my head, I'm finally able to spot her floating figure nearby. She's holding a wilted daisy in her hands, a hand reached out.

"Wait for me" I follow the voice, almost panicking when she floats away, disappearing. She's can't leave me alone again.

I quicken my pace, not wanting to miss her. My shoes gathering dirt and moss as I run through the woods.

Frey, you know where I am.

She tells me, when her glow leaves me in the darkness of the woods. No ray of light seems to burst though the thick leaves of the trees.

She's at the cliff.

A/n: As I was writing this, I realized it was kinda on the same path as that ghost mom from 'Dark shadows'.

Idk, probs going to be based off her.

I'm making Enoch hate Frey, like with a burning passion. So yah.

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