Chapter 14

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I was still in the Argo III. I have been here ever since they left Camp Half-Blood. I snuck aboard the ship as they were about to depart. A few hours ago, I felt the ship come to a halt and heard them say something about Oggygia or something. I assumed it was the name of an island. This was my chance.

I waited till nightfall to take over the ship. I quietly crept towards the helm. I got out of the hull of the ship thorough the trapdoor. I poked my head out and saw that it was clear. I stood up and looked around. It was a beautiful island will palm trees and a magnificent house in the middle. "Wow!" I muttered. All I wanted to do was go to the island. "No, concentrate Noah," I said to myself.

I walked over to the helm and as I took in my hands, and loud mechanical voice from the loudspeaker shouted: "Unauthorized user, engage protocol Bye Bye."

"What in the world is protocol By-" I said as I was launched off the ship by and spring trap. I crash-landed on the beach with a loud thump. Well, there goes my plan. There must be a way to hijack the ship, Leo can't be that smart surely. Boy, well sure was I wrong. 

I tried every single way known to the Gods like breaking in through the hull, catapulting myself from a cypress tree and even impersonating Leo himself. I guess my Leo voice really sucks. I decided to explore the island. I walked towards the beautiful house first. I stood at the entrance of the house. It seemed very bright inside. There was a comfy living room with a blazing fireplace. There were very few rooms in the house. But what caught my attention the most was the garden. The garden was massive with many types of plants and flowers. They were well-trimmed and seemed very colourful. There was even a beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden. Whoever lived here must have spent a lot of time in the garden. 

After that, I went back to the bedroom and stared at the comfy, soft bed. It wouldn't hurt to take a nap. I lay down on the bed and immediately went into the realm of Morpheus. Normally, demigod would usually get the normal nightmares but this one was different. How I knew it was different you may ask? Well because my normal dreams consist of people I knew but there were four figures I did not recognise. I was in a dark room with braziers of fire lit around the room.  The four figures were seated facing each other in charred thrones. The entire place looked as if it was millions of years old. A male figure entered the room. As he walked past the fire, I glanced at his face, it was the God Ares. He sat on one of the thrones. 

"Is this the welcome I get for bringing the two of you back?" Ares complained.

"Yes, Yes. I'm sure Gaia and Ouranos are very thankful for that. I'm just wondering, why?" Nyx said.

"You shouldn't have brought that useless father back, I haven't forgiven him for what he did to our children," Gaia muttered.

"That was millions of years ago!!! What else do you want me to do???" Ouranos exclaimed.

"Enough bickering! I have brought all four of you together for one specific purpose, to lay waste to Olympus." Ares declared.

"Are you sure that's the only reason?" Tartarus questioned.

"Hmmm, ok fine. I dearly miss war, destruction and blood. It has been aeons since a great war." Ares whined.

"What about the battle of the giants?" Ouranos asked.

"Mehhh, that was a lame battle, and it was even caused by a pathetic nosebleed by that disgrace of a demigod Percy Jackson," Ares complained.

"You're just salty that he managed to beat you up." Gaia teased.


"Enough bickering, so what's the plan? All of us just charge at the puny mortals and kill them?" Tartarus asked.

"You imbecile! I always knew you were the stupid one, we are primordials you dummy, even if two of us appear at the same place other than here which is a space in the void, our combined auras' would be the destruction of us." Nyx replied.

"You're the stupid one," Tartarus muttered like a little kid.

"So now, which one of us gets the honour of destroying Olympus? Not me, I just had a war and I'm too tired for this." Gaia said.

"Me!!!!! I have seen battle ever since that arrogant Kronos murdered me in cold blood." Ouranos announced.

"No me!!!! I have been dormant deep down and have done nothing for ages!" Tartarus complained.

"I too have done nothing for centuries!" Nyx whined.

"Enough! We will settle this in the simplest way possible, rock, paper and Sword!" Ares shouted.

"Its rock, paper and scissors you idiot." Nyx corrected.

"Whatever! Swords are better anyway." Ares countered.

One paper and two rocks.

"Awwwwww we wanted to fight..." Tartarus and Nyx whined.

"Muahahahaha, I guess I'll be getting the honour of decimating Olympus." Ouranos declared.

"I'm saying he's gonna die the same way he died last time" Gaia muttered.

"You shall see, this battle is going to be legendary," Ouranos said.

My heart was beating faster and faster as they kept talking, I better get out of here. I turned around and as I walked towards the entrance...

"Shhhhh, everyone shut up. Do you hear that? We have a guest." Ares said with a smile.

He proceeded to yeet his spear at me. The ground exploded in front of me and I woke up.

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