Chapter 4

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Odin took me to Eitri and commanded him to forge a sword worthy of the gods for me. He designed it specifically for me based on my abilities. It took a few weeks but it was worth the wait. 

It was made out of 30 different metals such as Asgardian Steel, Celestial Bronze, Chaos Silver, Imperial Gold, Stygian Iron, Bone steel and Silver. There was a symbol of a trident embroidered on the pommel with a beautiful gem in it. Its hilt was made from Asgardian Leather. It was black with wavy patterns that were red and gold in colour.

"It's beautiful," I said. I tested its weight and swung it around. It was the perfect sword for me.

"There's more. It can channel your abilities, magically enchanted to always stay sharp, unbreakable, turn into a ring, always return to you and can cut through almost everything."

I flicked my wrist and it turned into a ring on my middle finger. I named it Stormbringer.

"I have one last thing for you." 

Eitri handed me a pendant and said: "Pull on it whenever you need your armour."

I pulled on it and it expanded into a dashing set of dark armour that was almost impenetrable, allowed fluid movement and could conceal me in plain sight but not be totally invisible. 

"Thanks so much, Eitri." I said.

"Do me a favour, slay some einherjar with this blade for me will you?" Eitri asked with a grin.

"With Pleasure," I answered with a smirk.

1 hour later,

I pulled my pendant and activated my armour and flicked my wrist to draw Stormbringer. Magnus pulled his rune to draw Jack or Sumarbrander. Jack completely ignored me and checked out Stormbringer. He told me Stormbringer was a girl. 

"Stop checking out Percy's new sword Jack," Magnus said.

"But she likes me Magnus," Jack complained.

"Can we stop chit-chatting and start fighting?" I interrupted.

"We start fighting when the hor-" he began but was cut off by the sound of the hunting horn.

"See you on the battlefield then." Halfborn sighed.

10 minutes later,

I regret being so overconfident in my abilities. There are weapons flying all around the battlefield and so many explosions everywhere. I can't even rest for a second before I get rushed by a random barbarian with his fists. I just stabbed, parried and stabbed over and over again. 

Suddenly, there was a mighty explosion and a dragon appeared. This is my chance I decided. I channelled my lightning abilities with my sword and blasted the dragon out of the sky in one blow. 

Everyone was stunned for a few seconds and all of them rushed me at once. I channelled my fire abilities and shot fiery jets of fire through the tip of my sword and incinerated half of the einherjar. I plunged my sword into the ground and some vines managed to incapacitate some of the einherjar.

 But I was surrounded from left to right and front to back. I was about to use my earth abilities when a bright light flashed across the battlefield and everyone's weapon flew out of their hands. Magnus had cast the peace of Frey. 

In the moment of confusion, I drove my fist into the ground as hard as I could and cast my earth abilities which sent pillars of earth crashing into the einherjar's faces that sent them all the way to Narnia.

 I smiled and my friends stood there shocked.

"Uhh is there something wrong guys?" I asked with worry.

"No, there's nothing wrong. But that was the first war game we ever won," explained TJ with a large grin on his face.

I smiled, this was going to be fun.

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