Put him down

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I woke up to an empty bed. After last night, that was disappointing. What was not disappointing was waking up smelling Luca on the sheets and feeling the wonderful, delicious ache in my body and remembering everything about last night. 

Smiling to myself, I threw back the covers and slipped out of bed, padding over to Luca's dresser where I nabbed one of his t-shirts and pulled it over my head. Grabbing my panties on the way, I went to the bathroom to do my post-waking business, which included rooting around in Luca's bathroom cabinets for a fresh toothbrush and some toothpaste. 

Teethbrushing accomplished, I gave myself a cursory look in the mirror and decided the first thing on my agenda after finding Luca was going out (or more than likely) sending someone on the errand of getting me a hairbrush. My hair was all over the place, and it was completely untameable unless I had the right tools for the job. 

Doing my best with a touch of water and my fingers, it was slightly better when I finally left the bathroom and ventured into the vast expanse of Luca's huge apartment. Really, why would one person need so much space? 


I jumped and whirled around, staring with wide eyes and one hand pressed to my chest at a tired-looking Sophia who was exiting one of Luca's guestrooms. 

"Oh my god, Soph. You scared the crap out of me." 

"Sorry." She said quietly, and I realized belatedly that she looked awfully pale and that how she was even in Luca's apartment to begin with didn't indicate good things. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked softly and approached her slowly, feeling like she was skittish kitten and I had to be careful not to scare her away. 

"Not really," she whispered and I watched her eyes begin to water as she drew in a deep breath, but I knew from the look in her eyes she wasn't going to be able to keep it at bay. 

"Oh Soph," I whispered and rushed the rest of the way, pulling her into my arms just as the tears began to fall and she started to cry. Her arms wrapped around me and I could feel her tears against my skin as she buried her face in my neck. 

I felt another presence hit the hall and moved my eyes over Sophia's shoulder to see both Gabriel and Luca coming out of Luca's office. 

I should have figured that's where he'd be. 

Still holding Sophia to me, I said nothing as Gabriel approached and transferred her into his arms when he was close enough. Taking a step back, I watched Soph burrow into Gabriel's embrace and felt my own throat choke up as my eyes lifted to Luca who walked past Gabe and came right to me. 

"Let's give them a moment," he murmured, taking my hand and pulling me down the hall towards the livingroom-kitchen area. 

"What's going on?" I whispered when Luca pulled me to the couch, sat down and pulled me down next to him. 

"Gabriel discovered a bomb in Sophia's car this morning. Until this situation has been taken care of and we know who's behind it, you're both staying here." 

I stared at him, pretty sure my mind was playing tricks on me. A bomb? A freaking bomb in her car? What the fuck?! 

"That's crazy." I breathed as my mind conjured up terrifying images of Sophia innocently getting in her car to go to work and the whole thing blowing up with her inside of it. Beautiful, sweet Sophia reduced to nothing but a pile of ashes. 

"Who would do something like that?" I demanded on a hiss, having worked myself into a state. 

"We're attempting to uncover that information." Luca said calmly, watching me warily, but I barely even registered his words. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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