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Hey people! 

I want to thank you all so much for your reviews and enthusiasm for this story, I really appreciate that! 

Now, since so many of you asked for a quick update, I couldn't leave you hanging, so here it comes. 

So many of you pointed out that Ana is going to be in trouble now that Luca showed up, so I thought it would be a fitting title for this next chapter ;)


                                                                                                       < ~~~~>

"Because he's here..."

Letty's words had barely registered before the combination of too much alcohol, a stressfull day and nerves gone haywire had me doubled over, emptying my stomach contents right there on the sidewalk outside the club. 

I felt like shit. My eyes were tearing up, the stomach bile made my throat hurt and I was sweating like a pig while my stomach kept doing those horrible contractions that had me dry-heaving once there was nothing left to puke out. 

I had one hand braced against the wall for support, the other pressed to my belly, and Letty was standing behind me holding my hair up. 

"Don't let him see me," my voice was raw, my throat was burning and all I wanted was a glass of water to cool it down, but the way I was feeling right then, I probably wouldn't be able to keep it down for long. 

"Shit chica, we need to get you home," I tried straightening up, but that brought forth another round of stomach contractions and I groaned and closed my eyes before turning my head in and resting my forehead against the wall. 

Letty was rubbing my back, I was sucking in one deep breath after another, trying to get myself to focus on the here and now, but with the way my head was spinning that was easier said than done. 

"Hey, is she okay?" A male voice behind me, I heard Letty say something but I was in no way capable of following a conversation in my current state. 

My mind was racing, too many thoughts all jumbled into one big messy pile, and I could imagine the killer hangover I'd be suffering through in the morning, the headache I felt building was already close to reaching migraine-levels and it was the last thing I needed right now. 

"Ana, can you walk or do you need me to get a cab?" I just shook my head, unable to form a response at the moment, terrified that if I opened my mouth I'd start dryheaving again. 

"Spread out. Find her." I'd recognize that voice anywhere and I tensed as I pressed myself further into the wall, chancing a peek in the direction of Luca's voice to see him standing by a large black SUV, four of his henchmen nodding before two of them disappeared into the club and the other two split and walked down the street, one of them heading in our direction. 

"Hide me," I muttered to Letty and grabbed her arm, pulling her in front of me so she was shielding me from view, turning my face into the wall as the large muscular scary-looking guy walked past us without paying us much attention. 

"He's gone," Letty said quietly and I turned my face back to face her, sighing and putting my head against her chest in defeat. 

"This is so not how I wanted tonight to end." Letty laughed and wrapped her arms around me, one hand rubbing soothingly up and down my back. 

"Come on Ana, you had fun didn't you?" It wasn't until that very moment I realized just how much Letty's voice carried. I'd always known she was loud, had found it one of her most endearing traits, but in a situation where I was trying to remain undetected, Letty was definetely not the best person to have around. 

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