Volcano Day

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When I came to, the world was shaking.

A strange smell of rotten eggs filled the air and overwhelmed me. I ran out through the front door and the crowded streets were even MORE crowded than before. I looked to my right and froze. The sight was unimaginable. The mountain had exploded, leaving a gaping hole. What looked like thick, red liquid was pouring out the sides, black clouds spewed from the top. Black rocks of all sizes and shapes rained down on me. One bounced off the side of my head. I shouted. Not from pain, but from shock. Still I hadn't moved, until I was grabbed and dragged by the wrist I ran with him, the man who had caught me before. This man, whom I THINK I had fallen in love with.

We ran for quite a long time, until I shouted, "What's going on?!" and we came to a sudden halt.

"I'm sorry, but you're in danger and there's nothing I can do about it," he explained. "All we CAN do is run."

"You didn't answer my question!" I yelled. "What is HAPPENING?!"

He sighed and began to explain. "The volcano is erupting. Everyone is going to die, but I can help, help as much as I can." he answered. I stood there silently, not knowing how to reply. "N-no," I began. "I-I don't believe you!" I yelled and ran away from him.

I saw dogs chained to fences and untied them. Children abandoned in the streets. I knew their parents, though, so I picked up as many I could and returned them to their worried mothers and father. There were so many! I couldn't possibly do it all myself in time! I looked across the street and saw him and he looked back at me. Then he quickly looked away and began doing the same as I was, helping as much as he could.

By the time all the children were reunited with their parents and all the animals were freed, the streets had almost been cleared. Rocks still fell on my head as I tripped over a few dead bodies. I began to cry until I realized that breathing was difficult. I took deep gasps, each one singeing my throat even more.

I collapsed.

Above me I saw him, that glorious man who had tried to save me and whom I had rejected. I looked at his face, his beautiful face. Then I closed my eyes and took my last breath, that picture of his face froze in my memory.

Day in PompeiiWhere stories live. Discover now