Heading Home

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When I finished work I said goodbye to Theo and left. I walked down the road and I did my usual routine, feeding the strays and paying the beggars. Then out of nowhere another tremor shook the marketplace. It was much harder this time. I tripped and began to fall, bracing myself for impact, but someone caught me. Theo maybe? No, he wouldn't have followed me all the way out here. I looked up and saw that, strangely enough, it was the oddly dressed man from earlier.

"Be careful now," he said with a smirk. "Don't want to scratch a pretty face like that."

I blushed and smiled awkwardly. Then I took a good look at his face. He was quite handsome, actually. "Right, y-yes, of course," I stuttered. "I will!" I stood upright and he walked away. Wow, I really hope Hiro didn't see that.

I took my long walk down the market place again until I got home. I walked up the door and heard noises coming from the inside. Had Hiro gotten home yet? It definitely sounded like him. Then I sniffed, and smelled some perfume. I took in a big whiff of it, and realized that it was not mine. Had Hiro bought me new perfume? No, he couldn't have. Perfume is very expensive. Then I opened the door and my heart sunk. Not broke, or shattered or melted, but sunk.

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