Why You Need a Query

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It’s simple. You need one because that’s how agents and editors find new talent. You need compelling cover copy to reach new readers. 

There’s really no reason to be upset that “the system” doesn’t work. Perhaps your time would be better spent learning all you can, improving your craft as much as possible, and learning to work within “the system” no matter how broken you think it is.

You need a query letter because it’s what agents and editors will read, and hopefully by the time you’ve read this e-book and crafted your query letter, those agents and/or editors will be asking to see more. Readers will be clicking buy. I mean, how many times have you read the back of a book to decide if you want to buy it? We all do. So draw in readers with great cover copy.

That is the goal, after all. I like to think of the query letter as the gateway into the publishing world. You can’t get an agent to read your whole book unless you have a killer query. You can't get a reader to buy and read your book without killer cover copy. 

So let’s get started!

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