35 | Endangered Species Act

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The wisteria branches were still at twilight; no one dared to cause a disturbance within Chief Sassafras' meeting place

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The wisteria branches were still at twilight; no one dared to cause a disturbance within Chief Sassafras' meeting place. He perched in the center of the trunk's hollow himself, his expression unreadable as the group approached him. The entire day had passed since Omar's funeral at sunrise, allowing the elder Shaymin enough time to fix the impassive mask August had shattered only hours before now.

Similar to their first encounter, a small group of Shaymin attended their meeting. Privet and Gracie were among the flower crown-wearing advisors who perched atop the wisteria tree's gnarled roots. They were soundless, and August knew Gracie couldn't stop fidgeting because of it.

"Humans," Chief Sassafras greeted, "I've called you here for an important matter. The looks on your faces make it seem as if you already know what I'm going to say."

August bit her tongue, not trusting herself to be kind in her reply. Cyryl's eyes couldn't stop flickering around, too nervous to speak. Even Lang hesitated as she squinted at the chieftain, not wanting to jinx their luck.

Seeing this, he continued, "We very much appreciate what your group has done for us during your short time here. Green Cough has always been a deadly enemy of ours, and your lessons will help prevent tragedies for the rest of the time to come. It was at this point that I reconsidered the proposition you mentioned before about tending to the other Life Flowers. However, I wasn't convinced. You proved to me you wanted it, humans, not that you needed it."

Annoyance flared within August at the Shaymin's slow way of speaking. She wanted him to hurry to his point already. Her body ached from moving so much; she had to climb up hills, tread down rocky paths, and slide along narrow trails today. When they went back to the camp, she'd receive her daily dose of healing magic and Spore powder to be relieved from aches and then succumb to deep slumber. The prospect sounded wonderful at the moment.

"There were two of my own flock who disagreed with me on this: my granddaughter, Gracie, and her father, Privet." The family in question stiffened beneath the cautious glares of those Shaymin sitting beside them. "They were insistent that your group was working for the greater good and that helping your cause was the right thing to do. Word of recommendation is hard to come by from my very own chief of the guard, yet here was Privet begging me to view things differently. I told them that they had no proof you humans were unlike the rest. Dialogue can only go so far. Actions speak louder than words. That is why Omar's noble sacrifice to protect this island with his life has proved more to me than any claim could have."

August's heart wrenched. She couldn't grow used to being reminded of Omar's ill fate. How could she? Her throat tightened, and her eyes burned. She took deep, even breaths to steady herself and focus on the Shaymin leader's words.

"I've spoken with my most trusted council," Chief Sassafras said, sweeping his gaze across the grieving trio, "and we've reached the same conclusion. Your friend's death shall not be in vain. To honor his dying wishes and express our gratitude, we will allow small teams of runners to visit the other Flowers of Life. These parties will abide by these duties for as long as they remained unscathed on their treks."

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