08 | Loose Lips

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To say Omar didn't fit on his current bed was an understatement

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To say Omar didn't fit on his current bed was an understatement. His long limbs dangled over the straw mattress thanks to his massive build. He couldn't feel his toes; the quilt ended at his thighs. His younger sister and brother pressed themselves against his chest and dug their elbows into his side, snoring peacefully.

Never would Omar complain about his position, though. A day spent above ground was a blessed one.

He slid out of his spot, taking care to put a pillow under his siblings' heads for comfort. His Quagsire, Marley, and Magmar, Nuri, stirred awake at the sound of him changing into a new pair of clothes. Omar patted Marley's head and scratched Nuri's chin then tiptoed away.

As he walked to the kitchen, Omar eyed the door leading down to the basement. Gold was an unusual fellow, unlike anyone Omar had met before. The mercenary's intimidating glare and roguish drawl raised many red flags, but then Gold went and fed the rest of his sweet bread to a wild Sewaddle at the bazaar. Gold had warmly described how he'd bonded with Bug-type Pokémon when he was younger without Omar having to ask about it.

Gold's softened gaze and small grin stayed with Omar, reminding him there was some goodness in the merc's black heart. Nana lectured him to give others the benefit of the doubt, but he still couldn't shake off the suspicion he felt around his companion.

Omar found his mother already preparing breakfast and assisted her silently. Together, they finished today's meal: medeeda hilba. The rich aroma of the thick porridge made Omar's mouth water. He failed to give Yaya his compliments as she interrupted him with an order to fetch the others. There was a reason he lived with his father and Nana and not her.

Waking up his family was easy. Gold was another story. Omar put off rousing the merc for so long that Gold had woken up himself.

"Uh, good morning," Omar said, flustered. "Breakfast is ready."

Gold nodded and followed him to the dining area with dragged footsteps. The merc sat across from Omar and slouched in his seat, reminding the shipbuilder of a deflated balloon. Omar stared at the dark bags hanging beneath Gold's dull, bloodshot eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" Omar asked.

"No," Gold grumbled.

Omar hesitated, studying the cracks in the table. He had an idea of why Gold was up all night. Cautiously, he murmured, "Is it because of your satchel Pokémon? I heard you speaking to zir."

That alarmed Gold. He sat straight up, jaw clenched and eyes slit. Leaning close to Omar whose flight instincts were going wild, he demanded, "You were spying on me?"

"No!" Omar denied, recoiling. He shrunk in his seat, trying to look as small and non-threatening as possible. His gaze flitted to Gold's clenched fist which had knocked a woman unconscious the evening before. "Last night I was going to ask if you were okay, but you were busy."

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