Chapter 21- Griffin

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I pray, to whoever the hell is listening, he tries to grab for my gun so I have a reason to shoot him.

Slamming my fist in his face was not nearly satisfying enough.

He twitches on the ground to raise his head and looks over in direction of Dani and Everett, making my grip tighten on the handle.

"You look at her again and I will shoot you."

His head turns slowly back to me and a grin spreads across his face. Oh, how I want to shoot you. Everett places a hand on my shoulder and I force myself to move away as he flips the guy, cuffing him. I force myself to step back, holstering my gun before I do turn around and shoot the fucker.

A soft hand runs down my arm and I latch onto her and pull her in, crushing her against my chest. My face buries itself in her neck and I inhale the familiar scent of vanilla and berries, as her arms wrap around me. Dani breaks away first, looking up at me, and despite the night she's had, she still looks perfect. Any other person would look frazzled and scared out of their mind but Dani still looks like she just walked off the catwalk. I can see past her brave face though, to see the hurt and worried women underneath. My hand reaches up and she gives me a small smile, leaning into my touch, as I brush her cheek.

"Thanks for the call darlin'."

Everything has happened so fast tonight. Loosing her at the club almost killed me, and I would have ripped her out of that car if it wasn't for Everett physically grabbing, holding me back. If his phone hadn't gone off I honestly don't know how that would have ended. I don't think any of us has ever moved that fast before, after that tiny ring telling us to track her phone. 

The infuriating women who jumps in a car with a dangerous guy then sends a text to say to track her. I fucking love her, but she's going to send me to an early grave.

Everett drove like a mad man trying to catch them, and was eerily quiet as we mounted up and crept into the house. The determination gene runs all through that family. I couldn't think of anything else, all my thoughts were of Dani. My heart stopped beating for the second time that night when I glimpsed her being put into another fucking car, that I couldn't reach fast enough.

I flex my hand that's still busted up from punching the side of the house hard when they tore away. My heart only started to beat again when I saw her name flash across my phone, but after answering, it wasn't the voice I was expecting to hear. Putting it on speaker phone in the car we were greeted with the voices of two men talking about a plane and their cargo. The freaking women not only lead us to where they seemed to be operating out of but also to where the fucking drugs seemed to be. It's taken us weeks to try to crack this case, and it took one women only one night to blow it open.

I continue to brush her face and look into those eyes that I loose myself into everytime.

"I still feel dirty about that, but I had to do it."

Her eyes are shiny and can see the tears she doesn't want to cry. My arms hug her tighter, as Everett hauls the guy up, his head swinging to Dani.


Before I can even think about moving, Everett has already punched the guy in the face. Everett's face is furious, as he leans in close to the guys face.

"You speak to my sister again and I will make sure you never make it to booking."

The guy spits out blood, then stops dead and stares at Everett for a moment, like everything is clicking into place, before his head swings to look at Dani.

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