Chapter 4 - Dani

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The time whisks by as I'm thoroughly immersed in the story. I absolutely love these books. They're this ridiculous story with a splash of passion that gives you amazing material for a day dream, perhaps about the gorgeous specimen currently next to you, before throwing in some drama, and finishing up with an ending that makes you smile. Utter perfection.

This book is no different. Star crossed lovers, who turns out he's not actually a builder but an international spy on a mission that can't be with her for fear of getting her involved, but she actually helps him uncover the whole plot with wild missions and steamy nights before they ride off into the sunset to live happily ever after. See perfection.

I sigh loudly and dreamily as I close the book before realizing I'm in public. Jax's face breaks out in a grin.

"Smoke my lady?"

I snort out a laugh, before I can stop myself.

"Perhaps later."

Mentally I roll my eyes, god could I possibly embarrass myself anymore in front of this man. I literally just snorted. Jax chuckles again and leans past me to look out window.

"Good timing, we're just about to land"

He grabs my hand just as the turbulence starts, and I grip on tightly, closing my eyes. It only lasts a few minutes before the captain starts to speak to the passengers but
I don't even hear him. My thoughts are side tracked by the feeling of Jax's hand around the back of my neck holding my forehead to his, his thumb taking slow strokes up and down my cheek. It's ridiculously calming and at the same time hot as hell. Who is this guy.

People suddenly start standing up and shuffling around and I realised we've missed everything.

"Thank you"

I breath the words out, realising I sound husky and breathy as hell but I'm honestly amazed I can make any thoughts right now.

"Your most welcome"

Jax's voice sounds no different, it's thick and as out of breath as I am. He leans in slightly and pauses before letting me go and pulling away. In a daze I stand up, following Jax and get my stuff out as the doors to the plane open. I'm running on auto pilot removing my stuff, before making my way down the aisle and off the plane. My brain still far behind me sitting in the seat wondering what the hell just happened.


Jax stays next to me as we make our way through the airport, and before long we end up waiting for our bags to appear. I always hate this part. I have fears that I will never see my bag again or completely miss it and be standing there for hours.

Which thoroughly explains my choice in colours as a hot pink suitcase appears with bright purple stripes on it.

"Ah this would be me" I say blushing slightly.

Jax's eyebrow raises as he looks at me and before I can move he steps out and grabs the bag off the carousel placing it down next to me. I can't help the smile that breaks out on my face. It's stupid and such a small thing but is a very sweet gesture. I think I see a smile on Jax's face before he turns and grabs his bag next. Pulling up the handle I prepare to move off, waiting to see what Jax's next move is. Ever since then plane, he seems a little off and I honestly have no idea if he wants to see me again after his Knight in Shining armor role is done.

Jax wheels his bag over, stopping in front me smiling and holds out his hand. I stare at it baffled. Am I suppose to shake it, take it, do some sort of cool handshake thing, I'm so freaking lost right now.

"Your phone Dani" Jax says laughter in his voice and that smug smile back on his face.

Shooting him a quick glare I stuff my hand in my bag and hand it over. At least if he runs off with it I'm due for an upgrade, I think to myself. Instead he unlocks the screen and starts pushing things on it for a few seconds, then comes over and throws an arm around my shoulders pulling me in close.

"Smile Dani"

Jax holds the phone up, and I look up to find the phone in selfie mode. The face Jax is making in screen makes my breathing hitch. The smile on his face is blindingly beautiful. His smile is so wide it crinkles his eyes slightly and it transforms his face into something truly magnificent. I can't stop the laugh that comes out and smile into the phone while Jax takes a series of photos ranging from smiling, to silly, to serious. He pokes the screen a few more times and hands the phone back.

"My number my lady."

I check my phone and laughter bursts from my mouth once again at the photo he's set for his number. It's a shot of the two of us, cheeks puffed and tongues poked out. Somehow it's  perfect.

"You don't have to use it..."

I look up and my eyes find his when he pauses.

"But......I would love to see you again."

He says the last part in a rush, and I'm struck by how nervous he sounds. The fact that I can make this gorgeous, smug, seemingly confident man nervous is truly something. I look down at my phone, tap a few buttons and smile up at him. Jax's phone beeps, and he looks from me to his pocket where his phone is and back again. Raising an eyebrow he fishes his phone out and throws his head back in a throaty laugh when he sees the smiley face emoji with tongue poking out I sent him.

Ok I know it's silly and not particularly original, but I was going for a corny laugh and by Jax's reaction I think I nailed it.

He looks over his shoulder and points in opposite direction I need to go in to find my brother, who's most likely a nervous wreak cos I'm few minutes late.

"I'm off this way,......until we meet again Miss Harris"

"Until next time Mr McKinney."

Jax smiles as he shakes his head and rubs a hand across the back of his neck.

"God the things that does to me Miss Harris"

He breaths out heavily, before shooting me a smile and moving off, leaving me to stare after him for a moment.

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