Waking Up In A New World

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Eventually you woke up hours later. You took a look around the place, only to see your character looking at you. You instantly freaked out punching them in the face. They recoiled holding their jaw where you punched them

“What was that for?!”, they shouted

“Well what is the normal thing to do when someone is watching you as you sleep?!”, you shouted back as you stood up. You realised you were no longer in your room and looked around. You noticed this was the Satellite Station, the level you had just died on.

“Not that!”, they replied as you looked around

“Well it is where I’m from! How the hell did I get here?!”, you replied with a growl

“I brought you here, seeing as you’ve been forcing me to play this damn map for so long”, your character replied

“You WHAT?! TAKE ME BACK!”, you shouted

“Can’t. Not until we collect all the custards”, they replied

“Goddamnit, fine! What am I supposed to call you?”, you asked your character

“Eh, community for this thing calls me Walten. Go with that”, your character replied with a shrug.

“Whatever, name’s Y/N”, you replied

“Let’s split up Y/N, maybe we can find all the custards quicker”, Walten suggested

“Alright. The sooner we get these done, the quicker I can get back home”, you replied. Deep down you hated being in that house because you lived alone and it got incredibly boring but you figured it would be better than this mess. You picked up a custard and found a lamp that people would wear on their heads. You shrugged and put it on, turning it on to help you navigate. After a while you and Walten had found all but one. You noticed it and went to get it but was stopped by a scream. You turned around and saw Po running towards you. You ran for the custard and grabbed it, stopping her from attacking. You breathed a sigh of relief, but then the place started to change around.

“Oh for God's sake what now?!”, you shouted

“Someone’s doing the Slendytubbies 3 Campaign. Looks like you’ll have to stay a little longer”, Walten replied with a hint of sympathy.

“Great…”, you muttered just as three grey skinned armless things began walking around. Walten pulled you to one side

“Shhh, we gotta keep silent. Follow my lead”, he said as he began moving slowly through the place. You followed as best as you could. Eventually the two of you managed to make it out safely. You noticed a custard and picked it up, before hearing a loud scream.

“Oh god it’s Tinky Winky!”, Walten shouted as the two of you ran in different directions. You managed to find a second custard but that only served to annoy Tinky Winky even further. He began focusing his efforts on you. You ran faster, attempting to get him to give up on you. You weren’t watching where you were going and stumbled over a tree root, falling onto your stomach. You turned onto your back and crawled back as fast as you could away from Tinky Winky who was gaining on you fast

“Tinky Winky wait please! We can talk about this!”, you pleaded with him but he wasn’t having any of it. He reached down and grabbed your throat with both hands before raising you into the air intending to choke you to death. You grabbed onto his arms trying to loosen his grip. His grip only tightened and you felt the air leaving your lungs and your vision going black. Just as it was certain he would kill you, you were suddenly dropped onto the ground. You got up coughing as Walten helped you up. 

“What the heck just happened?”, you asked him coughing still

“I found the remaining custards which seemed to have saved your life”, Walten replied and you slowly stopped coughing

“Thanks”, you said to him and he nodded in return. You then noticed another custard and went to get it but found Tinky Winky standing there.

“Tinky Winky snap out of it, this isn’t you!”, Walten shouted trying to get through to him but Tinky Winky wasn’t listening. The custard floated to him and he screamed as he began transforming into a hulking monstrocity.

“Oh crap! Y/N RUN! Go for either the mountains or caves, both lead to the outskirts!”, Walten shouted as the giant Tinky Winky began chasing you two

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“Oh crap! Y/N RUN! Go for either the mountains or caves, both lead to the outskirts!”, Walten shouted as the giant Tinky Winky began chasing you two. You split up again but Tinky Winky seemed focused on Walten this time. You ran for the mountains and regretted it instantly. You were hit with a blast of freezing air as soon as you ran in. You held your arms close to yourself

“Hello? Is anyone here?”, you called out and you then heard a child-like voice reply

“You’re my bestest friend”, the voice called out.

“What? Who said that?”, you called out

“I love you”, the voice replied

“Where are you?”, you called out again. A laugh echoed through the cold air

“I’m here, where are you?”, the voice called out

“Where exactly is here?”, you replied before you heard footsteps

“Hello”, was all the voice said before you felt something hit you and you fell face first into the snow. You woke up slowly to find yourself being dragged through the snow by a large silhouette

“Please don’t kill me”, you pleaded. The silhouette simply growled in response and you blacked out again. 

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