From Failure We Learn

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Another thing Mahina had learned when inventing: you can't forget to eat food. She would've gathered some herself, only she was stuck deep inside finishing the device. Pleakley had vanished so they couldn't be sent off. So that left...nobody.

Mahina couldn't wait for it to be done. Together, she and Jumba spent the majority of the day working on it. That it had taken as long as it did was a testament of how hard they were working.

She was really hungry...oh if only there were leftovers from the family fun night. Those all looked so good...great now she was hungry. Dangit!

Mahina dropped a wrench onto the floor. She let herself fall back with an echoing thud. She groaned. "I love science as much as the next super genius mega awesome child but...are we DONE YET?!"

Jumba went over to the super computer. He typed in lines of code, pressing enter. The screen loaded then turned green.

"YES!" Jumba cheered triumphantly.

Mahina let out a half-hearted cheer.

"Go, fetch Pleakley!" Jumba instructed.

"No way, you do it!" Mahina complained.

"Hey, I'm in charge so I say you go!"

"I'm more tired...child labor stuff."

"Well I am the boss."

"I'm the boss, we know that!"

"No I am!"

"You do it!"

"No, I am the one in charge! You do it!"

"I don't wan-" Mahina groaned. She flopped against the floor. "We're idiots." She pulled out a phone. She pressed the buttons on it. It buzzed.

"Hello?" Pleakley greeted.

Jumba groaned, running his hand over his face.


Pleakley was let into the lab.

Mahina was standing by the covered fusion chamber. Jumba excitedly dragged Pleakly towards the machine.

"Three. Two. One." Jumba and Mahina pulled the tarp off the fusion chamber. "Ta-da!"

Pleakley smiled widely at the machine.

"There it is, Pleakley. The fusion chamber, the only thing that can save Stitch." Jumba tapped the glass top, proud.

"It's amazing." Pleakley praised them both.

"We worked really hard on it." Mahina added in.

"Just another work of genius." Jumba humble bragged.

"Oh, oh, can I switch it on? Please, please?" Pleakley begged.

"Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no. That is extremely delicate machine. It takes superior mind." Jumba countered.

Mahina stepped forward, taking a hold on the bicycle handlebar that they had used for a lever. They left the tassels on, purely for how it made the fusion chamber look overall. Jumba put his hand over her's. Together they pulled down the switch.

"Heh, thanks to us, crisis is over." Jumba noted.

The chamber began to come to a dangerous red glow. "Dive!" Mahina shouted.

On command, the aliens jumped back from the chamber. Just in time too. The fusion chamber sparked out, before seeming to implode on itself. Mahina blew out a frustrated breath. It was fine, she could work with this.

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