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After their dramatic moment in the beachside, they decided to continue their talk and have some coffee inside Dawn's hotel room. Dawn shared stories about their daughter which Richard was very much happy to hear. They laughed, they cried. They were enjoying the moment that they didn't even notice the time. Dawn was lying in bed talking about random stuff while Richard was sitting in the bed. He was laughing about something that she said and then out of the blue, she stopped talking. He looked down at her and there she was, already sleeping and lightly snoring. "Tinulogan ako ah.", he thought as he looked at he admired her beauty. "Wala ka paring pinagbago. You are still so beautiful. " He reached out a hand to touch her face and she leaned on his touch and moved closer to him. He smiled closed eyes and decided to catch some sleep.

Richard stirred and slowly opened his eyes. His back hurts a lot but when he is about to move, he noticed that Dawn's head is on his lap and the events of last night came back to his mind. He smirked as he enjoyed this rare moment with her. It feels just like old times.

He was enjoying the moment when someone's phone started ringing. He doesn't want to wake up Dawn so he took the phone without checking on the caller and answered it.


"Hey, mom! Sorry for the abrupt call last night. There was a building that collapsed in the downtown area and the victims are all rushed in the hospital. I am just checking on you on how you are doing? Is everything okay? Did you talk to him already?" It is Raffy. Richard didn't know what to do. He checked the caller ID to confirm it. It really is her.

"Mom?" he heard her say.

"Ahh, Raffy. Your mom is still sleeping."

"Oh. Is this Richard?'' she asked and he felt a pain in his heart. He wanted her to call him daddy/papa but that is too much to ask for now.

"Yes, anak ermmm Raffy.."

"Okay. If she wakes up, can you let her know that I called?'' she said, as she feels awkward talking with the man she is supposed to call "dad" and him calling her "anak".

"Yes, of course,"he answered and they both fell into a complete awkward silence. Both people don't know what to say to each other.

"Uhm, Raffy. Can I talk to you?", he finally got the courage to ask her. He wants to know more about her. She is his unica hija after all. He wants to see her and spend time with her. He wants to step up and be a father and he hopes it's not too late for that.

"Yeah sure," she answered. Truth is, even though she hates him for hurting her mom, deep inside, she still longs to see him. To know him better, after all, he is her father. "But not today. I am extra tired right now. I just finished a double shift. I am just calling to make sure my mom is okay."

"Yes. We have talked and sorted everything. Raffy, thank you for giving me a chance. Thank you."

"No worries. I know we both are just victims of circumstances and you are my father. You have the right to know me. I gotta go now. Please tell my mom I called. Bye", and she ended the call.

He put the phone down and smiled from ear to ear and at that moment, Dawn woke up. She noticed that her head is in his lap so she immediately moved. She looked at him and he is smiling.

"Why are you smiling? Anong nangyari? Why am I sleeping in your lap?", she bombarded him with questions. He shook his head and explained to her what happened.

"Do you think we will be okay Chard?", Dawn asked. She is already sitting in the bed after she sent a message to her daughter that she is okay and everything is sorted out.

Richard looked at Dawn and smiled. She looked like the Dawn he knew 20 years ago, so lost and so unsure of everything. He took her hands and assured her that everything will be okay. She hugged him because she knows that she will always find comfort in her arms. Their moment was broken when Richard's phone buzzed.

"Yes. I will be there at the 10am meeting. Please make sure to have everything ready.", Richard uttered as he stood up. He really wanted to stay and help Dawn fix this issue but he can't turn his back on his duties as Ormoc's mayor. With an apologetic smile, he promised Dawn to call her after his Mayoral duties.

Dawn sat there. Alone and confused. But she remembered how Richard assured her that everything will be fine. She looked outside the window and saw the beach. It was going to be a bright and sunny day and it reminded her of her daughter's smile. That made her realize that she should not be afraid and in fact, she should be proud of having Rafraela. She took her phone and called Vivian.

"Viv, I am ready to tell everything."

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