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Joon's POV

I stared mindlessly at the limp and fragile body infront of me. There were multiple tubes running out from it doing their jobs of keeping it alive. The biggest being a breathing tube. Many bandages with little pecks of blood stained on them. Any other visible bit of skin was either covered in a bruise or a few scratches. It was breathing but barely. I slowly watched as its chest continued in a pattern of the chest rising for breath then falling for a little rest. I looked down to see that I had its hand firmly grasped in mine not letting go since the nurses had let us in the room.

I examined the room. Two of our members were asleep on the couch. One had a bandage on his arm due to the fact that it broke and the other had a bandage wrapped around his forehead after hitting it hard on the black tinted windows of the car causing the glass to break. They were peacefully sleeping with blank expressions on their faces. Sleeping was the only escape from the harsh reality that layed infront of us. We didn't want to face it but we knew had to.

I then darted my eyes to the other side of the room well Infact the hospital bed. It was our leader. He gave me a little smile. That's all he could manage. Yet it wasn't enough to hide the emotion of pain that plastered his face. Just like me he had a firm grasp but on the right hand of the body. Slowly brushing his thumb over the broken hand secretly hoping that it would bring some movement from the body infront of us.

All four of us were the lucky ones just getting away with minor scratches, concussions and broken bones. Yet the owner of the body that lay on the bed wasn't as fortunate. He put his life on the line for us.sprinting into action trying to avoid us getting hurt at all costs.

It had been 5 days since the accident. 5 days since we got all these bruises and broken bones. 5 days since it seemed like the world had stopped moving.

5 days since our maknae landed in hospital while trying to save our lives.

"Mir...please wake up" I whispered under my breath as a tear slid its way slowly down my now tear stained cheek.

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