Chapter 24.

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Once we arrive we take our seats and there's a strange silence, I know Mason is too scared to speak because he doesn't know how to act around her, and doesn't want to say the wrong thing—since the majority of Mason's vocabulary consists of 'fuck', 'shit', or inappropriate and sarcastic jokes.

We pick what we want to eat and I stand up to go order.

"Where are you going?" Mason asks me with a panicked look on his face.

"To order.." I laugh and he glares at me.

"Don't they come here.. to take our orders?" he asks awkwardly.

"No, Mason. I have to go up and order." I say shaking my head and walking away.

Mason's POV:

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. She's just staring at me, I don't know what to say. What do four year olds talk about?

"Hey." I say as she continues to just stare at me, ignoring my attempt at conversation.

"I like your bear." I say quietly, loud enough for her to hear, but not Amara.

"Mommy gave me it." she mutters, looking down at the small bear in her hands. At least she's talking to me.

"Nice.." I furrow my brow.

"Are you Mara's boyfriend?" she asks with the same mischevious smile that I see in Amara.

"Uhm.." I scratch my head, how do I approach this? "Not really.." I say awkwardly.

"Oh. Daddy says I'm not allowed a boyfriend till I'm forty two." she chirps innocently and I laugh.

"Specific.." I say under my breath.

"That's a good rule. Boy's suck." I tell her and she giggles.

"You're a boy." she says, smart ass.

"I am." I raise my eyebrow and she ponders for a moment.

"Mommy said you're Amara's boyfriend." she crosses her arms, she's such a mini Amara, it's scary.

"It's complicated." I sigh.

"What does that mean?" she asks and I take a deep breath.

"It doesn't matter, you'll know when you're a grown up." I say.

"I am grown up, I'm three and an almost half." she says in a sassy voice, definitely Amara.

"You're right, sorry." I laugh and she nods.

I move my elbow and knock a stack of napkins off of the table onto the floor.

"Shit!" I mumble as I bend down to pick it up.

"That's a bad word." the little voice scorns me as I sit back down.

"I'm telling mom." she laughs.

Why the fuck am I being threatened by a four year old.

"No, don't do that." I sigh in frustration.

"Okay... but I'll tell Mara." she whispers.

"No, that's worse. She'll be mad at me." I fake a frown and the girl seems deep in thought. Although the frown was fake, if she tells Amara, I'm screwed. I'll be in the dog house all night. I've been doing so well.

"How about some ice cream?" I ask and her face lights up.

"Chocolate ice-cream?" she asks, beaming.

"Yes, chocolate ice-cream if you don't tell Ma- I mean Amara." I scoff.

"Okay." she smiles widely and I chuckle.

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